Mac Mini

<p>anyone have it/used it? is it good?</p>

<p>i want one.</p>

<p>Looks good to me, but if you get one you definitely need a memory upgrade, as the standard 256mb will not last you. A good price for the machine, though.</p>

<p>arent they on backorder?</p>

<p>256MB's is nothing.</p>

<p>You could get a 512MB non-Mac for about $100 and it can double as a hard drive.</p>

<p>i honestly don't see the point of it. as Dima342 said, you can get double the hard drive for 1/5 the price. apple only makes money because its products look so "trendy" and "cool". i'll admit i'd buy the mac mini, if it cost a lot less. same with the ipod. anything apple is overpriced and overrated most of the time. anyway, just my $.02.</p>

<p>I don't know - $500 is pretty cheap</p>

<p>give me a 120gb ipod for less than 500.00 and I'll be the first in line. as long as it's not bigger than a brick, lol.</p>

<p>why, pray tell, would you need a 120 Gb iPod? I'm a pretty big audiophile, and my ipod mini works just fine for me...</p>

<p>coqui-- show me a premade tower that costs less than a hundred dollars that has an OS, a software suite comparable to iLife, an 80GB harddrive and all specifications equal or greater to those of a Mini Mac. According to pricewatch, an 80GB hard drive costs 52 bucks, WinXP Home costs about 80 and immediately you can see how absurd your statement was.</p>

<p>You could get a 512MB non-Mac for about $100 and it can double as a hard drive.</p>

<p>Ok wait, RAM can't double as hard drive space - it gets cleared as you exit programs, and is completely wiped whenever you turn the computer off. What did you mean by this?</p>

<p>When I first read his comments I was completely left in the dark but now when I reread them, I think he's talking about MP3 players that have a 512MB capacity and can double as a hard drive (do they even exist?) but I don't know and I really don't know what it has to do with the Mac Mini.</p>

<p>Sorry, I meant a flash drive not a hard drive maybe? I don't know. Did you think I was talking about computers or something? I was talking about MP3 players.</p>

<p>As you can see, I'm not much of a computer expert.</p>

<p>All I know is I've used my 512MB MP3 player to move documents and stuff around and there's no worries about wires since it plugs directly into a computer's USB port.</p>

<p>512 mb drives cost 100 bucks there? Over here we get 256mb for less than 20! Just the thumb drive though, not the mp3 player.</p>

<p>Yeah, Dima343, this thread is about the Mac Mini (Apple's new compact computer) and GuaTe's comment regarding increasing the memory from 256 to 512MB was in regards to system RAM. Secondly, the iPod Shuffle has 512MB worth of storage for songs and is only $100. I can't say for certain but I'd reckon it could double as a portable hard drive.</p>

<p>Mercurysquad, the new iPod Shuffle is an MP3 player that has a 512MB worth of storage while there are simple Thumbdrive/Flashdrives available with 256MB that cost about $30 and 512MB drives that cost about $40.</p>

<p>Oh ok. iPod is still out of reach of most ppl here as it costs as much as a computer would (relatively, $2200). :eek:</p>

why, pray tell, would you need a 120 Gb iPod? I'm a pretty big audiophile, and my ipod mini works just fine for me...


I filled up a 20gig cheap knockoff two years ago.</p>

<p>I was talking about MP3 players.</p>

<p>ah ok then</p>

<p>I filled up a 20gig cheap knockoff two years ago.</p>

<p>There's a rather large difference between 20gb and 120gb.</p>

<p>I can testify of cantstandmenow. I'm a pretty hardcore collector of music and 120 isnt THAT lot (though more than enough for any sane person).</p>

<p>oh sorry, I thought you meant the new MP3 player.</p>

<p>I feel like a total idiot. That's the Shuffle or something. I'm so technologically challenged.</p>

<p>Here's to Liberal Arts Majors!!!!</p>

<p>Ignore any posts I've made.</p>