I am going to suny binghamton this fall and am looking for a laptop. I'm currently debating between the Macbook pro 13", Lenovo t430s 14", and Sony vaio s series 13" laptop. The macbook pro is the heaviest at 4.5lb, lenovo 3.96lb, and sony vaio 3.8lb.The macbook pro would also be the most expensive while the sony vaio would be the least.</p>
<p>I'm going in as undeclared but am interested in sociology and foreign languages. I definitely know I won't be going into math or science fields. </p>
<p>I will be mostly using the laptop for my classes and surfing the web so I don't need it for games, graphic design, or anything like that. </p>
<p>Do most people bring their laptops to class? (should weight matter?)</p>
<p>Is it more convenient to have windows or mac at suny binghamton?</p>
<p>I really don't know much about computers so any opinions of the 3 would be very helpful! thanks!</p>