Macbook with Windows

<p>I really like the macbook but as a business major i really need microsoft office. So can you buy a macbook with microsoft office? For how much? I have also heard about os x leopard, could someone explain what that is?</p>


<p>Leopard is the operating system for Mac, as I understand it. You can buy a program that lets you run windows on the Mac. It is very doable, and adds a couple hundred bucks to the overall cost. But then the windows part is vulnerable just like a regular pc so you will still need to virus/spy sweep it regularly just the way you would a pc. The mac side would be unaffected if the Windows went down, again, as I understand it. I’m no techie, so hopefully someone will pick up on this and respond better than I am!</p>



<p>There is a Microsoft Office (2008) for Mac. Amazon sells it for $109.</p>

<p>“Leopard” is the name of the fifth and current release of Mac OS X. It is the default operating system found on all new Macs.</p>

<p>Since Macs use Intel processors, they can natively run any version of Windows. You have two options if you want to run Windows: Boot Camp or virtualization. The former is free and comes with all Macs but does not allow you to run Windows alongside OS X. The latter does allow you to run Windows and OS X simultaneously but may or may not be free.</p>

<p>many college libraries have microsoft office for macs, so i would just check the college’s library catalog or helpdesk before i buy anything.</p>

<p>Yes, as noted above, many colleges have a site license with Microsoft that allows students to load MS-Office on their computers.</p>

<p>And, yes you can run Office 07 if you also choose to run Windows on your Mac. Alternatively, you can run the ‘native’ version of Office 08 in Mac OS X. </p>

<p>Just one caveat: While I have found the Mac version of Office to be quite compatible with Windows Office files, the Mac version of Office does not support Visual Basic. This can present a problem if you want to open a spreadsheet that was written in a Windows Office and uses Visual Basic macros. This has never posed a problem for me, but it might be a problem in some advanced accounting classes, where they very well might program spreadsheets in Visual Basic.</p>