Microsoft Campus License Agreement

<p>I read on the SEAS computer recommendations for Macs that you can buy a copy of Vista under the Microsoft Campus Agreement. Will they be the full version needed to install on a Mac using Boot Camp (not an upgrade)? If so, will it be priced at $10?</p>

<p>UVA</a> School of Engineering and Applied Science, 1st Yr PC Recommendations</p>

For those interested in Apple Mac computers, please keep in mind that even though BootCamp is included by Apple in the current Leopard operating system, Apple does not support Windows running on their hardware, Microsoft doesn't support Windows running on Apple hardware, and the U.Va.'s ITC Help Desk does not support dual boot or virtualization modes. Basically you're on your own to try and make it work, and this may not appeal to many students. Last year, 94% of our incoming class had a PC and 6% had a Mac. A copy of Microsoft Vista and the Office suite will be available under the Microsoft Campus Agreement to run on Macs. MacBook and MacBook Air models don't really have enough horsepower (particularly graphics) for Vista. MacBook Pro models can run Vista using BootCamp for 2 GB RAM systems. Trying to run Windows Vista software in a virtualized mode with less than 4 GB of system RAM may not yield a satisfactory user experience, and Windows XP sales are slated to be terminated this June.


<p>Apple may not provide support for Windows software running on a Mac, but Microsoft does provide support.</p>

<p>Office</a> 2008 for Mac Solution Center</p>

<p>You can install Office for Mac without installing or running Bootcamp.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

Last year, 94% of our incoming class had a PC and 6% had a Mac.


<p>Is that for computer architecture or for OS?</p>

<p>Because I'm surprised Linux wasn't mentioned. ;)</p>

<p>6% seems low. I know I've seen more than 1 Mac for every 20 students in my E-school classes. galoisien, they might not have included Linux on their survey. However, I know some people that use Linux as their primary OS.</p>

<p>canuck01, thanks for posting the link about the Microsoft Campus License Agreement. I wasn't familiar with that program. From what I read on the ITC site, the $10 Vista CD is only an upgrade (according to the [url=<a href=""&gt;]FAQ[/url&lt;/a&gt;] page). However, it isn't clear whether Office is a full version or upgrade.</p>

<p>For $10, it's a great deal for current students. I'll be sharing this with others!</p>

<p>XP isn't slated to be phased out until at least January '09. Too many people like it, too many people are unhappy with Vista, and too many low-end computer companies want to keep it around. I'll try to dig up the article I read on this, but I think I Stumbled it. XP isn't going anywhere kids, I still have it, 90% of engineering kids who had it still have it, and the rest of the world is still jumping for joy over it. Microsoft knows that.</p>

<p>To buy it: go to They sell software at discounted prices for students, included XP, and it'll be the same price there as it would be buying it off of the bookstore.</p>