<p>So I filled out my FAFSA and put that my parents are divorced, which they are, but I didn't see the option to put Remarried while completing it on my Mac. When I looked at the worksheet I realized I messed up, should have put remarried, and inputted my step-moms info. The household income is correct I just left out her personal info. along with how much she contributes per year. I tried to log into the corrections application but it says my pin has not been confirmed by social security and that I need to wait until that happens, usually 1-3 business days. So, since my application itself was submitted 2 days ago, but my corrections will be hopefully tomorrow but maybe even tuesday the 3rd will I be penilized or will it be okay since I submitted it and I am only making corrections to the original app.? Thank you!</p>
<p>You can make all the corrections you need too. I had to update mine 3 or 4 times with corrections and nothings ever happened.</p>
<p>Okay, so even if I correct it after the March 2nd deadline I’ll be okay?</p>
<p>^ Um not sure on that forgot the deadline is soon. It would be better to ask in the fin aid forum.</p>