Mail Registration for thos of you who are going to Miami next year

<p>Well, S just returned his mail registration for classes yesterday. I like the way they limit the number and types of class choices to force the kids into taking classes right off the bat that will count towards getting their core requirements out of the way. I also like the fact that they limit the freshmen to a max of 17 credits so they don't overburden themselves the first semester.</p>

<p>If you haven't gotten the mail reg packet yet, read it over REALLLLLLLY carefullly. it's not the most explanatory and easiest system to understand if you are trying to fit it against a already known major. The main probelm comes when you are also trying to juggle known and unknown incoming AP credit and dual enrollment credit as well. I actually called the freshman advising number twice to get explanations. Frankly, the people who answer the phone aren't much help (I suppose they are student volunteers or workers) but the second time I was lucky enough to talk directly to the Director of Freshmen Advisement and after that call all questions were answered and S got things put to bed and out in the mail.</p>

<p>By the way, if your kid is interested in Japaneese, forget it. I found out that they are only offering one section of it and its basically full already according to Miami. Found this out in my call. Frankly, I'm glad as I think my S is nuts for looking at it when let's just say that he wasn't exactly like a fish taking to water in Spanish in High School. </p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>We found the business registration packet S got last year quite easy to follow. You do need to read it carefully but they take you through step by step. Maybe there are more choices for Liberal Arts kids. I think he did it on paper first and then actually sent the online version.</p>

<p>They did tell you to indicate what classes you expected AP credit for although I realize that can get tricky if you don't know your grade yet.</p>

<p>Also, S had no trouble changing his schedule both before school started during orientation and again during the first 2 weeks of classes. He did the UMX for Bus class and found it beneficial.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah, not knowing AP grades from this year doesn't help. Harder still was trying to figure (prognosticate??) what credit he would get from his 5 Dual credit college classes.</p>

<p>If they offered an on line submission for the class registratio last year for freshmen, they didn't offer it this year.</p>

<p>they still offer online class registration this year. it's in MyUM.</p>

<p>Not for incoming Freshmen apparently. There is nothing on S's MyUM to allow him to register for 1st semester courses. Hard copy only I guess. Maybe its different for you Chicken since you are International and they figure its too hard to get hard copies to you overseas.</p>

<p>My S is in the College of Arts and Sciences and was not able to do online last year as a freshman, it was all mail-in. In fact, he still doesn't have enough credits for online and completed his in-person registration for next semester the other day. He also did a general UMX class first semester, and thought it was ok, but not great. I'm still glad he took it.</p>

<p>I agree that the process is a little complicated, but the kids do meet with their advisors during orientation and it all gets worked out. Like WIWA's S, my S has also had no trouble getting the classes he needs and changing his schedule. He doesn't always get his preferred time (afternoon), but he does get the needed courses.</p>

<p>They cannot do on-line registration without a pin number until they have so many credits. (Usually somewhere end of sophmore year). And, even though son could do without pin he would end up having to talk to his advisor before every sign up. Most of the times this involved getting "overrides" for classes that were already full. He has never not gotten what he needed however. </p>

<p>The dual-credit issue is more complicated. You will need to get an official transcript from the college (or in our college) when the final grades are in. Get this to Miami, asap. Because it takes quite a while for them to decide what they will and won't give credit for. Son had 18 credit hours of cc credit. Miami accepted only 4. His foreign language credit. Which basically meant he didn't have to take any foreign language...which he was thrilled about. But it did mean he was placed in calculus again, which to him was a good thing. And he was placed in the Intro level bio and Chem classes. Which again, he said was a good thing, not because there was things he didn't know, but because they were easy this way, and really helped to keep that freshman GPA high. For those of you who's kids are looking at grad school or professional school....this is a must. Higher is better. These were not AP. Our high school didn't have AP, just dual enrollment credit. (i.e. He took gross human anatomy in high school which was the same as the community college course, so he got credit for it.) Anyway it was probably 3 months into the fall semester before his "transfer" credit was posted. And....those credits are posted as transfer credits and do not affect his UM GPA at all (which is what will be on your official transcript.)</p>

<p>The Bus school must be different. I remember S did submit his online. The Bus school wanted a "5" in Calc and suggested S take their Calc anyway as it was different - more directed at Bus applications. He did just that and did very well.</p>

<p>Hi, my son still has not received the mail registration packet. he called UM office of admissions the other day and they said that they do not send the mail reg. packets out, but the depts. do and they send it in the summer and his dept. chair would be sending it out. Son is in the school of communications. Even tho they said that the mail registration packets were not sent out yet, it concerns me because it seems (from the postings) that some of you have already received your course registration packets and have sent yours in. So i am a bit concerned. Do they send these mail registration packets out by school/major? Do entering fresh get theirs later--those of you who have gotten yours--are you entering fresh, did it come from your school (major/dept) or office of admissions? Any advice? Thanks.</p>

<p>My daughter hasn't gotten hers either, nor has anyone else she has spoken to online.</p>

<p>My son got his in the mail and just sent it in. It came from the school of Arts and Sciences, which is where he is as an undecided major. I spoke to an advisor on the phone twice to help him fill it out. I found the people I spoke to knowledgeable and helpful. It does seem as though we won't know about his dual enrollment classes until UM has a chance to evaluate whether he will be getting credit for them. I had the transcripts sent. He will be going over everything with his advisor during orientation, so I wasn't too stressed about it.</p>

<p>There are kids going to UM from his High School that haven't received their packets yet. So, it doesn't seem too concerning that some of you haven't received yours yet.</p>

<p>This link is to last years discussion about registration materials.... I thought it might be helpful.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Also, you can look at the available courses on myUM. </p>

<p>Can I also make a suggestion, that if you do have any major questions or concerns that you find your/your child's advisors e-mail address and correspond with them prior to arrival on campus for orientation weekend. That weekend is very busy for all, and personally I think the advisors are just so dog-gone busy that weekend that for much more in depth analysis of a schedule it is best to contact prior.......</p>

<p>You could always call the Comm school and see when packets will be sent, to set your mind at ease.</p>

<p>I remember being told last year that the registration materials are mailed out once a month. Don't worry, you'll receive everything in the next few weeks.</p>

<p>thanks, you guys are great--your experience in all of these things is so appreciated.
For those of you that got a letter to apply to the STRIVE program, I just got more info on the program, and I will post it in the STRIVE posting--look for it there.
Again, my3sons and 1tm, thanks for all your insights.</p>

<p>hi, my son received his registration packet about 2 days ago and it was actually quite easy to fill out. He is in comm/motion pictures and it seemed like he had many options to choose from. He read the material, choose the 10 courses and sent the packet in. Maybe each school does the course reg. differently, but this seemed to be pretty straight forward, now let us hope he gets some of his choices. The deadline for sending in the course registration material is june 23rd, so i guess there is still plenty of time for those who still have not recvd. packets.</p>