Major change

Hi, I’m an incoming freshman currently in BRAE considering changing my major to Comp eng. What steps should I take to maximize my chances of being able to do so? Thanks.

Changing majors between Colleges will be far more difficult than within the same college. You have another discussion asking the same question and were given plenty of advice. I will repost the information again.

Here is the Basic change of major and realize that one condition is that you needed to be qualified for your new major at time of application. I believe BRAE was your alternate choice and not your first choice for SLO so that is one obstacle to deal with for the major change. That said doing your best in the required courses needed for transfer and completing all the change of major steps is your best hope.

Things You Should Know about Changing Your Major

  • Changing your major is a multi-step process.
  • Eligibility criteria is specialized to each major.
  • Students are expected to research their options and make a well-informed decision before inquiring to change their major.
  1. You must complete at least one quarter at Cal Poly before your eligibility can be determined.
  • When your first quarter is completed, you can submit an Eligibility Inquiry Form to your proposed major department.
  1. The department will evaluate basic criteria to determine your eligibility to enter into an Individualized Change of Major Agreement (ICMA).
  • To determine your eligibility to enter into an ICMA, departments may consider:
    • Your admissions criteria (would you have been admitted into that major when you applied to Cal Poly?)
    • Your Cal Poly academic record (GPA, coursework, etc.).
    • Your ability to complete degree requirements in the new major in a timely manner.
  1. If you are eligible to enter into an ICMA, successful completion of the ICMA will result in change of major.
  • You are allowed one ICMA per major. If you do not successfully meet the requirements of your ICMA, you will not be issued another ICMA for that major.
  • The change of major will be approved once you have successfully met all of the requirements of the ICMA

If you are granted an ICMA, it will be one quarter and will most likely look like one of the types below:

The completion of coursework in the intended major without prior consultation with a Change of Major Advisor does not guarantee your eligibility to change into the intended major.

Computer Engineering

ICMA Type # 1

  • “B” grade or higher in CPE/CSC 101* (even if taken previously at Cal Poly)
  • Minimum Term GPA of 3.300 (during term CPE 101 is/was taken)
  • Minimum Cal Poly Cumulative GPA of 3.300 (at end of ICMA)
  • At least one math or other relevant major/support course for CPE designated by a Change of Major Advisor with C- or better

ICMA Type # 2

  • “B” grade or higher in CPE/CSC 101* (even if taken previously at Cal Poly)
  • Minimum Term GPA of 3.700 (during term CPE/CSC 101 is/was taken)
  • At least one math or other relevant major/support course for CPE designated by a Change of Major Advisor with C- or better