major for transfer student?

<p>i'm looking to transfer for spring semester, and it makes me pick one major on my application. i'm really interested in the political communications major, but i've heard that's terribly competitive within gwu, so would that put me at a disadvantage? in other words, if i say i want to major in political communications and SMPA has no room for me, will i be rejected outright? because i'm also really interested in political science, which from what i've read seems easier to get into directly as a transfer, so would it be in my best interest to pick that in hopes of getting accepted into political science in CCAS and possibly switching to political communications in SMPA if i find that is what i want to do? or does GWU accept into the university as a whole first and then into programs after that?</p>

<p>haha this was really long, sorry. basically: does the major you pick affect your likelihood of getting accepted? assuming that i'm at least moderately qualified for the majors i'm choosing. is it likely/possible that i could be accepted if i apply as political science but rejected as political communications?</p>

<p>thanks guys!!</p>