<p>I just got an email inviting me to apply for a major in Biostatistics(I'm a current student), done through the Gillings School of Public Health.</p>
<p>My question is, does this major prepare you adequately for med school or should it be done in addition to pre-med if you want to go to med school?</p>
<p>You can major in anything you want for med school, you just need to be sure to meet the AMCAS med school requirements. My S majored in Religious Studies and Linguistics and minored in Chemistry at UNC and is a first year student at a top ten Med School. Whatever you major in make sure that you have a high level of interest and passion because you still need to achieve the requisite overall GPA along with your science GPA. For example, the class profile for my son’s first year class shows the overall average GPA as 3.81 and the average science GPA as 3.77.</p>
<p>As a side note, be sure to review the individual requirements of each school that you might be interested in applying to because some have VERY specific requirements. One that I remember as being a real outlier was needing FIVE letters of recommendation from science professors which would be pretty tough to do as a non-science major.</p>