Major leap in SAT score!!...what will the adcoms think??

<p>I took the SAT II and got 800 in MathIIc, and 770 in Physics and Chemistry.</p>

<p>I took the SAT I two times and these were my scores:</p>

<p>Maths: 780 both times
Writing: 640 both times
Reading: 580 on first test and 690 on the second!</p>

<p>Now, anyone can say that is a major jump in the score. Will the adcoms take only the highest score or will they average it out? How do you think will they interpret this score?</p>

<p>It depends on the school</p>

<p>Some schools look at your highest scores in this case yours woudl be 780, 640, 690</p>

<p>other schools look at you best scores on a single sitting which in your case would still be 780, 640, 690</p>

<p>your scorez are weak. They will interpret it as you sucking....less than before. They will still think you suck, nonetheless. just kidding.</p>

<p>man u went from 580 to 690 and i from 520 to 690 in CR !!!!...MOST of the clleges will take your individual best....and chill out dude!! its a positive sign!! the last thing we would want is seeing people who have improved their scores stuck in a stupid dilemma!!</p>

<p>hmm...dexter87..what about your writing scores??</p>

<p>hehe writing went up too from 590 to 680....maths remained the same....a measely 700!!</p>

<p>I've made a major leap as well: all in one sitting my CR jumped from 540 to 650 and in the same sitting, 590 W went to 710 W!</p>

<p>my verbal was 650 once. The next time i took it, it was 770. But i really had a lot more reading with all the APs and stuff. Anyways i don't think it's a big problem if u had time. Like i got 650 in Jan but got the 770 in june</p>

<p>Its's not THAT big of a jump. I mean, chillax.</p>

<p>my writing went from 600 in june to 770 in nov. Congrats on all the jumps.</p>

<p>those of you who had such great gains -- congrats!</p>

<p>what did you do?</p>

<p>only a few schools look at the best scores from one sitting, like all the UC's, UIUC, most of them are public universities.</p>

<p>hsmomstef, steroids help alot</p>


<p>my critical reading went from a 670 to a 790
and i still think i have the worst vocabulary ever haha</p>

<p>you went up 110. as impressive as that is for critical reading it's not going to make any impact.</p>

<p>ntek511, i'm sure the admissions will look at the 110 writing score jump skeptically. there's a good chance they might reject you simply because of the jump because of the possibility that you may have cheated on the test.</p>

<p>another interpretation -- and one that I would take -- would be to assume that you had a bad day the first test. You were nervous, sick, tired, hungry, etc. all things that are typical of SAT takers.</p>

<p>If your grades, EC's, etc all look good -- that would support the fact that you are a good student and that you just blew a test. something that happens all the time.</p>

<p>i would just assumed you studied more for the 2nd sitting. 110 points is a good jump, but its not like abnormal. I mean I remember my first practice SAT test was like a 1280 (old) and when I took it for real i got 1540 (old). I think my first split was like a 700M 580V and my final split was a 780M 760V.</p>



<p>Oh man... you used that in normal (internet) conversation? Scary.</p>

<p> the hell can I cheat!!!
I am international and there is only one school we can take the test, and believe me the proctors are SUPER STRICT!! Hell, they even keep a track of the time with a digital clock, super accurately. Three people got expelled from the test just for keeping their calculators on the desk during the Reading section!!!...and you say cheat!!!</p>

<p>My grades and ECs do look good, I was hoping they would make up for my pathetic score in the first test. I am quite surprised that my writing score stayed the same and my freakin essay still earned only an 8!!!!</p>