Major related to Communication?

<p>Hi everyone!</p>

<p>I love talking to people, I'm very outgoing, speak four languages, love to write and I did write for my school's newspaper in middle school and high school.</p>

<p>Right now I'm a freshman at a Community College, who originally wanted to major in Communication.
I changed my mind though, because several people told me that it would not be a good major at all. I then started to take classes towards an Associate in Business to maybe get a BS in Hospitality, but I'm not so sure anymore.
I can still switch and get an AA though.</p>

<p>Are there any majors related to Communication?
I was thinking about Journalism, but I don't know if that would be a good idea since a lot of people read news online nowadays and I don't know if it would therefore be a wise decision to get prepared for a career in the print media, when there won't be any jobs when I'd graduate.</p>

<p>What major do you think would be a perfect fit for me?</p>

<p>I really do believe that Journalism is still a good major to go into. Even though a lot of the news is now online, there will always be someone that has to physically report it. So yes, physical newspapers may go out of business, but they will still need people to write online articles. I’m taking the leap and majoring in journalism. I know it’s a big risk, but if you work hard, and get into a creditable school (plus build up your porftolio) there is no reason why you won’t find a job. Follow your dreams, if it’s what you really want, then go for it! All of the best of luck in your decision :smiley: :D</p>