Journalism or communication?

<p>I'm considering journalism as a career. I'm wondering if i should major in communication or journalism? Which would be better?
Also, would a minor in linguistics be beneficial?
And, i'm also wondering if the career is right for my personality.. I know i'm throwing alot out here. I'm shy, a little timid, i tend to be antisocial but will talk to people and am able to get myself out of my comfort zone. I'm also creative, curious, and opinionated</p>

<p>there are countless topics like this already made.
Go through the pages, I bet you’ll find them ;)</p>

<p>See how similar the two programs are at your school. If a lot of the freshman and sophomore level classes are the same then it probably won’t hurt to just go ahead and go with journalism. You can always change majors. </p>

<p>In your first two years start taking classes like newswriting and video production. Your level of shyness might change once you get to college, you never know! You’ll probably have a better idea once you take those beginning classes. It’s okay to not know exactly what you want to major in when you into college.</p>