<p>Hi all, I've just started my junior year and have come across a scheduling problem. My schedule is as follows:</p>
<p>AP English Language
AP Calculus BC
AP Chemistry
AP Physics B
AP US History
Art II</p>
<p>The problem lies in 8th period, which is when I currently have APUSH. Latin IV Honors meets only that period, and it is the only 4th-level Latin class at my school. I have taken Latin since 6th grade, and so I have had 2 years of high school language.</p>
<p>I talked to my guidance counselor and she said that the only way I could take Latin IV would be to drop to Honors US History, which runs a different period. I am reluctant to do so immediately because I have as much of a passion for history as for Latin; both are my favorite classes (I have, however, been looking forward to APUSH since freshman year, because of what I hear from teachers and past students—and my expectations have been fulfilled after being in the class for one day). So the dilemma comes out to be a difficult choice between AP History and Latin.</p>
<p>My question involves how colleges will view my decision. If I want to continue straight with Latin, I would have presumably 4 years of one language, which I know many highly-selective colleges recommend, but one less AP course (and one less AP score), and an amazing one at that. On the flip side, sticking with APUSH would allow me one more AP course (and thus more curricular rigor) and AP score, but only 3 years of one language. The main think I am seeking to know, then, is how will selective colleges look upon only 3 years of language study?</p>
<p>The school I am reaching for is Yale, but I am looking to apply to some small, northeastern liberal arts colleges (Williams, Swarthmore).</p>
<p>What do y'all think I should do? Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>Could you take one of Latin IV or AP US history in junior year and one in senior year?</p>
<p>Yes, I could. I would then only have 3 years of one language, however, which is what I am worried about because many selective colleges recommend 4. And to get the full 4 years I would have to take Latin IV now at the expense of APUSH. In other words I am asking if it is better to have 4 years of language with one less AP course/score than 3 years of language with one more AP course/score.</p>
<p>You could take Latin this year and next year, giving you four years of a language.
You would then take APUSH as a senior.
You would also replace that resulting hole in your junior schedule with another AP class.</p>
<p>See if you can take a different AP history class (maybe the normal 12th grade one) this year and then keep Latin. Then take APUSH next year.</p>
<p>Take Latin now. Every college admissions officer on the planet recognizes that there can be schedule conflicts. If you really want APUSH, wait and take it next year.</p>
<p>In essence I have three options:</p>
<p>***Take Honors US History and Honors Latin IV.</p>
<p>Pros: Get 3-4 years of language; can still take the AP exam in US History
Cons: Miss out on great AP class, which also is specifically designed to prepare for exam; schedule may appear less rigorous (unless the fact that taking the AP exam, or a guidance counselor’s note that notes the schedule conflict, can counter this)</p>
<p>***Take AP US History and save Honors Latin IV for next year (presuming it fits)</p>
<p>Pros: Have a more rigorous schedule; sit in a great AP class
Cons: Get 2-3 years of language, with a gap year if it works next year;</p>
<p>***Take AP Euro History and Honors Latin IV</p>
<p>Pros: Have a more rigorous schedule AND have 3-4 years of language
Cons: Euro is ridiculously harder than APUSH</p>