<p>I really wanna study public health, but only tulane, john hopkins and ucsc have them so I was wondering what major would be good to prepare for this master degree?</p>
<p>Not sure about major, but make sure you really understand statistics.</p>
<p>Maybe biology?</p>
<p>Definitely do some sort of biology, and specialize in immunology if your school offers it. In order to do public health, you want to show that you understand how disease transmission works, and that you are able to deal with the public. Maybe you could double major in bio and communications? Try to have some classes that demonstrate that you are good at communication in addition to being good at biology.</p>
<p>good luck!</p>
<p>oh, the suggestion above about statistics is very good. some schools offer a certificate program in stats. maybe look into that?</p>
<p>thank you very much for your suggestions. i was thinking about health science but i dont know if biology is better, also, which are good schools to study bio or health science? thank you.</p>
<p>There are TONS of good schools for bio undergrad. The three you mention in your OP are good if you have the stats to get in. A nice plan might be to go to Tulane undergrad and Johns Hopkins for grad school, for example. BTW, get the name right. It is Johns Hopkins, not John.</p>
<p>Why not epidemiology? Lots more schools to choose from if you use that term. It would also lead to a well paying career just with the one degree, if you later decide graduate school isn’t for you:</p>
<p>Here is one school that looks great with lots of options:
University of Rochester
[Epidemiology</a> Major : Public Health : Arts, Sciences and Engineering : University of Rochester](<a href=“http://www.rochester.edu/college/CCAS/publichealth/undergraduate/epidemiology.html]Epidemiology”>http://www.rochester.edu/college/CCAS/publichealth/undergraduate/epidemiology.html)</p>
<p>BYU also has an undergrad program in epi. Michigan State offers a global public health and epi undergrad. I think UCLA does as well. </p>
<p>SUNY Albany has an undergrad in public health
<a href=“http://www.albany.edu/sph/academicprograms/majorinph.html[/url]”>http://www.albany.edu/sph/academicprograms/majorinph.html</a></p>
<p>This took me about 5 minutes to find these, just because I was curious (I have no insider knowledge of Public Health education). But it might suggest you might want look a bit harder for all the many great schools you can consider for undergrad, and don’t worry about generic ‘top 10’.</p>
<p>Thank you starbright. I was also considering biomedical sciences, but I’m not really sure about them. I need financial aid or a good scholarship but the sad part is that I’m an international and my parents can only paid around 15000 in tuition per year. I have good grades though (3.8 gpa) and I’m expecting high acts and great recs, also I heard that being from a third world country with interest in a health profession helps, because it is extremely needed.</p>
<p>I’m considering tamu for biomedical sciences, besides I meet the automatic admission policy for internationals, tulanee and apply for the deans honor scholarship (I have good plans for the box project), virginia tech and maybe georgetown but idont think I’m good enough for that one</p>
<p>Look at Canada. Lots such programs at the UG level and much more likely you can afford the tuition.</p>