Majors at Cornell

<p>I applied to the college of engineering as a chemical engineering major. Was that binding? or can I change majors easily once I'm there? How does it work? I might want to change to another engineering major.</p>

<p>it is not binding. changing majors within a college is not an arduous task, and I believe most engineers take nearly the same intro courses anyway. perhaps an engineer would know more of the specifics, but for now I don’t think it’s anything to worry about.</p>

<p>the only thing that applying as a ChemE bound you to is an advisor for the first 1.5 years. You are in no way obligated to even take a single ChemE course.</p>

<p>In Engineering and in Arts and Sciences, the major you put down on your application is nonbinding. It is only for administrative purposes (keeping track of major interest, etc).</p>

<p>You technically are not in a major in either of those Colleges until you affiliate with one.
In Engineering, this doesn’t happen until mid-end of Sophomore year. You are required to take your math/physics/cs courses as well as the first few classes of the major in order to affiliate.</p>

<p>All other colleges you are accepted bound into the major you choose on your application. (Of course you can transfer, but when you get there, it is set already)</p>

<p>Thanks chendrix, that cleared up a lot. What if I want to change schools. Say, I want to be a math major.</p>

<p>Also relatively easy to do, especially if you start in the engineering college.</p>