Majors for pre-med?

<p>I know that you can major in anything and still take the pre-med reqs, but are there certain majors that make more difficult in terms of fitting in both requirements for the major and the pre-med track?</p>

<p>I've been thinking of doing a Econ/Math major, while taking the pre-med course reqs. However, none of the courses line up in both, so would that mean I would have to fit in a ton of electives just in order to be pre-med? I also understand that majoring in either Chemistry or Biology lines up almost directly with the pre-med courses, but I just can't see myself excelling in either. In addition, if I decide that med school isn't for me, I'd be stuck with a degree that in the real world doesn't open too many career doors.</p>

<p>you’ll be able to fit it in. besides, for premed you need to take 2 semesters of math (calc 1 plus either calc 2 or stats).</p>

<p>i’ve known english majors that finished all their premed requirements in 4 years.</p>

<p>I took AP Calc BC and got a 5, and I’ll be taking Differential Equations at a college this year. I might be taking Calc III at a college as well next semester if I can get credits for it. Would I be able to opt out of some of those math classes?</p>

<p>yes you probably would.</p>