majors for screenwriting?

<p>When I applied to college in the fall I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in so for my application I either put down poli sci, or undecided.</p>

<p>Now I know I definitely want to do screen writing. I've gotten into three schools, wait listed at one, and waiting on two.</p>

<p>If I want to be a screenwriter after college does it matter what I major in? should I switch my major once I know what college I'm going to? help!</p>

<p>If you have the creativity and writing skills, you be a screenwriter even if you majored in an unrelated field. I would guess that most aspiring screenwriters choose to major in English, creative writing, drama, or film.</p>

<p>Well I decided on screenwriting because I rarely watch t.v/movies since 70% of them are written so poorly. I’ve decided to be the change I want to see since I know I’m a good writer and pretty creative when I write.</p>

<p>But there’s a lot about the film industry I haven’t been exposed to so I guess besides a screenwriting class I need to take film classes as well…would I be able to take them as electives? or can you only take film electives if you’re in the colleges school of film?</p>

<p>You should be able to take film classes as electives. It is mainly the film production classes that might be restricted to film majors. This varies a lot, of courses, depending on the particular school you attend; it is more likely to be the case when a university has an actual film school, e.g., USC or UCLA. Relevant film courses are not limited to film production courses, however. They also include screenwriting and film history/criticism courses. If there is not an actual film major or school, these types of courses might be found scattered among several different departments, including English, comparative literature, drama/theatre, communication, the various foreign language departments, etc. Some English departments offer a subconcentration or minor in film studies. Also, not all film studies programs focus on the production aspects.</p>