So deadline for my college decision is rapidly approaching and I am at a crossroad. I am deciding between Iowa State and Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for computer engineering. I was offered a more or less a full ride at both schools. A good family friend suggested that I go to Rose because of the “Exclusivity” of the degree (among other reasons, but that seemed to be the main one), and I take her advice very seriously as she is in a high ranking position in a Dow 30 company. Comparatively, I see Iowa State as a good option because it is a tier 1 research school, has a large alumni network, and a great engineering program. In addition, I think Iowa State is slightly more my type of school. I think I would be fine at either school, but wanted to hear some other options and insight. I would prefer if I could get opinions from actual engineers, people who work closely with engineers, or current undergraduate students.
Thanks in advance!
I’d really go with what you are more comfortable with. If you are really uncomfortable with Rose, go for Iowa if its what makes you happy and will allow you to do what you want to do! (Im none of the above doe
You should re-post your question with a title along the lines of “Iowa State vs. Rose-Hulman for computer engineering” so that people who can help you will be more likely to spot it.
While you are waiting for their responses, run your numbers here: And re-read the information about the scholarships. What GPA do you need to maintain to keep them? Do you need to stay in a certain major to keep the scholarships? Also, check out transportation between your home and both campuses. If there is a sudden shut-down next year, will it be easy for you to get home with all of your college loot? Along that line, check both institutions’ websites to see what they have to say about their fall plans. What is in place already, and what is in the works, to protect student health during the pandemic? Will they start out in online status? How do the plan to re-configure the residence halls and classrooms?
Definitely go where you are more comfortable! R-H is a great education- but it is a ‘fit’ school- if it’s a good fit for you it’s super, but if not it really doesn’t.