Making obscure references on essays?

<p>Well, in the last paragraph of a supplemental essay... </p>

<p>I make a reference to the Rolling Stones song "I Can't Get No Satisfaction" and the Eagles song "Take it Easy". They are both pretty well known songs, but I am using it switching between them as a metaphor for how I am continually learning to appreciate little things in life and remain content with any situation. </p>

<p>Do you think AdComs will know WTH I am talking about? I figure they might since some of them would be old enough to be of that time period... I suppose.</p>

<p>you should be OK with those 2 songs.</p>

<p>Just quote or explain as needed so that it’s clear what you’re trying to say regardless of their knowledge of the reference.</p>

<p>it would be extremely awkward explaining, lol. if they know the general idea of each song, there should be no problem though.</p>

<p>I’ve never heard of, “Take it Easy.” It’s possible that an admission officer may not have heard of either song. If the song titles don’t reflect what the songs are about, end your essay in a different way.</p>

<p>Dang well the titles kind of do reflect what they are about… I guess I will try to come up with something else.</p>

<p>It would really be the bomb though if a lot of those adcoms like those two songs :)</p>