<p>My first language is not English, and I was in ESL from 8th grade to my freshmen year.</p>
<p>After I submitted all of my applications, I noticed that I made some little grammar mistakes even if I checked like 100 times before I submit it.</p>
<p>The mistakes are such as:
1) Forgetting articlees such as 'a' and 'the' in some sentences in the resume.
I attached my resume as an additional document.
My resume is just a list of the stuff that I've done so far, and describing what I did.</p>
<p>2) In one of the supplement essays, I forgot a comma.
The sentence was like When I wear____ I feel_____. I forgot a comma between the two.</p>
<p>I know that I must sound stupid worrying about these stupid mistakes,
but do you guys think it will affect the addmission's decision a lot??
Or it's not a big deal and understand it?
I'm very worried. </p>
<p>What do you guys think?</p>