Male Female Ration=Terrible Dating Scene?

<p>Not to be entirely shallow, but I believe that part of the college experiences (in addition the academics, the friends you make and the independence) is dating. I'm looking a lot of small liberal arts colleges where 40% of the population is male and an overwhelming 60% (or more) is female. Will this hinder dating at all if I went to one of these schools?</p>

<p>Assuming you’re a girl, the ration in and of itself shouldn’t hinder your dating options. On the other hand, I’ve heard that a lot of males at LACs tend to be gay lol. Regardless, dating opportunities should still be rather plentiful I suspect. This is especially true if you go to a college surrounded by a bunch of other colleges like in Boston or something.</p>

<p>wait, you a girl or a aguy?</p>

<p>I’m a girl.</p>

<p>personally…if it’s a really small school already and the ratio is 60/40…of course your options will be limited…that’s just a fact.</p>



<p>That’s a fairly unfounded misconception…</p>

<p>^ I’m guessing you’re a (straight) male @ Haverford lmao.</p>

<p>I’m looking at GaTech, which is infamous for its guy/girl ratio. If I get in and matriculate, I’ll post back on here if I remember to.</p>

<p>If you want a nice ratio, go to Sarah Lawrence. 73% Female/27% Male. It’s a liberal arts school, so the precentage of straight males would probably be pretty low.</p>



<p>Once again, a fairly unfounded misconception!</p>

<p>That’s the second time this has been said on this thread. Is their any empirical evidence to prove this? And neethus1, I am not a Haverford student, but I will be attending Haverford next year, and I am straight!</p>

<p>It’s Sarah Lawrence though…so who knows? Haha…jkjk (though it was mentioned in The Notebook…)</p>

<p>I agree. Very unfounded assumption. I think there’s more homosexuals in universities. It may just stand out more at LACs because of the small size.</p>

<p>As for dating, ratios shouldn’t matter that much, since many students don’t date as well. Unless it’s a school like Sarah Lawrence. Now we’re talking competitive in a different manner…lol</p>

<p>I know at SLC it can be a big deal for a girl to get a BF. </p>

<p>One of many reasons that it was my number two for so long.</p>

<p>Should I reconsider attending a LAC? lol- I don’t want to be deemed gay</p>

<p>lol it’s okay Sligh. :stuck_out_tongue:
i’ve NEVER heard of this rumor… and I know plenty of guys who are proudly attending LACs and are STRAIGHT</p>

<p>I am a little perplexed… aren’t schools with less males supposed to be more straight since there are more girls to choose from and less guys to be gay with???</p>

<p>Uh oh, looks like you’ll be going to a 50-50 school!</p>

<p>I am going to attend our state’s university for women on a full scholarship( I am a guy). I am going to be the king.</p>

<p>isn’t there other colleges around?
i mean, Wellesley, another LAC, is all women’s college… = no dating?
that’s absurd.</p>

<p>Son is straight going to small LAC and is looking forward to the favorable guy/girl ratio. However with that said, my daughter has a gay guy friend (who also likes to dress in drag and perform with a stripper pole) whose dream school is Sarah Lawrence, so go figure…</p>

<p><em>rolls eyes at this thread</em></p>