<p>What does a concentration in Management do for me? All the courses sound really appealing to me compared to accounting and finance courses..but it definitely does not seem to help you get a job right away after graduation..anyone doing management?</p>
<p>I share the same opinions… Management seems more appealing to me than Finance and Accounting. However, I am a little bit scared of the job market outside…</p>
<p>I want to do management consulting quite a bit, but if I didn’t get a good job doing that, I would rather be in finance and accounting majors could land jobs in either as well as have a tangible, marketable certificate that the others don’t. I guess management would describe my ideal job, but accounting is so much more secure and finance is a mix of the two.</p>
<p>I like all three for sure, I’m just too nervous about management to say I want to major in it. That said, I’m at UT Austin, which is, for accounting, finance and management, ranked #1, #4 and #3 respectively. I would like working in Houston or Dallas for sure, but I just can’t shake the feeling that a management degree wouldn’t attract the kinds of national and even global jobs that finance and accounting grads see and that I might even have a better shot at my ideal management job if I majored in one of the other two.</p>
<p>openskittles nailed it. I’ve read this in a few threads on here now and after reading enough about management consulting, it seems firms prefer to hire people for specific groups sort of like in a law firm. They hire people with specific industry experience, accounting, finance, marketing, HR, operations etc, and people then work in teams or on projects related to those issues of a business.</p>
<p>If you really want to take the classes in that major, have you considered minoring in it with a major in something else? Major in Finance or accounting and then minor in management?</p>
<p>I really wish I could do accounting, but after taking the classes I am just not too interesting. Isn’t like one of the most boring majors? Well, good thing I still have a year to decide.</p>
<p>We are really in the same boat, Retep (lol). I took financial accounting, it was ok. Then I took managerial accounting. I did not like it, not because it was harder, but because I was not interested. I can’t see myself become an accountant…</p>
<p>As hmom5 said earlier, I should probably do something that I really enjoy for my undergraduate degree. I will think later for the grad school.</p>
<p>Yeah me too, I took Financial Accounting and got an A and all…but it just wasn’t interesting. I am taking Managerial next semester so we’ll see…</p>