<p>Can you take undergraduate MGT courses to count for required economic courses in the management science major?</p>
<p><a href=“http://economics.ucsd.edu/ugrad/ugradPDFs/msmajor_requirements_postF07.pdf[/url]”>http://economics.ucsd.edu/ugrad/ugradPDFs/msmajor_requirements_postF07.pdf</a></p>
<p>Doesn’t seem like it.</p>
<p>how’s the accounting minor too?</p>
<p>Unnecessary if you’re doing any of the Econ majors and you just want to sit in for the CPA exam.</p>
<p>^ what do you mean “sit in”?
i’m an econ major and accounting minor planning on taking the CPA exam (and possibly business minor, which rady now offers, since i was going to be taking those classes for the business requirement of the cpa exam, anyway)</p>
<p>You can’t take the CPA exam unless you’ve taken the requisite courses. Economics courses can be substituted for Accounting courses to qualify to take the exam.</p>
Where did you get that information about the business minor?
<p>@sgs333 it was announced in an email sent to current rady undergrads. but it will be updated on the website soon.</p>
<p>@oyama how do i know which courses to take to satisfy the cpa requirement? i tried googling but couldn’t find very clear answers…</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/publications/exambk1.pdf[/url]”>http://www.dca.ca.gov/cba/publications/exambk1.pdf</a></p>
<p>Page 4. All you need are 4 Accounting courses (ECON4 counts) and 4 ‘Business’ courses, which encompass business, economics, computer science, and mathematics.</p>
<p>For the accounting minor, you’re taking an extra three courses that aren’t necessary. I think on this forum, I’m the biggest opponent to people pursuing minors because they think there’s some inherent utility in that over just taking requisite courses and not completing it (if it hampers your academic progress; i.e., graduating on time). Minors do not show up on your diplomas, and most minors aren’t rigorous enough for you to land entry-level jobs in those fields solely based on your coursework (i.e., minors might help you get some internship during school, but it can offer much less leverage post-grad). I’m not the best role model for this since I graduated with a double major and double minor, but if I could go back, I’d just skip the minors all together. One I earned because I didn’t know any better and thought it would be helpful in landing jobs (Spanish), when in reality, most people don’t care if you ever took any classes and only care if you’re at a proficient conversation level. The other I earned by mere coincidence (Biology) because I was taking so many neuroscience classes for fun that I noticed I finished the minor.</p>
<p>Anyway, there’s my spiel. If you’re dead-set on getting the minor, don’t let me stop you. I just encourage those who are getting it because they just want a minor to look at other options.</p>