Mandatory on-campus housing?

My son attends UC Riverside. He is a sophomore. How likely is it that he will be forced to live off campus as a Junior? My understanding is that housing is not “guaranteed” at the UC schools. He currently lives in a dorm, but I am thinking to bring him home to commute. I am looking for facts to support my position. Thank you. Very informative website.

Have you contacted the Housing office? Based on my experience with several UC’s (not UCR in particular), unless he plans to be an RA Junior year, he will be looking for off campus housing.


Please tell the whole story. Your soon to be former husband is paying for your kid to attend college, including room and board. On another thread, you claim that you want more folks living in your current house so that ex can’t sell it as easily.

This is NOT a good reason to force your son to live with you at home, especially since you say you aren’t exactly talking right now.

Also, your home is in Pasadena and he goes to Riverside…roughly 80 miles one way…which is a horrendous commute.

I know you want the money for yourself, but please think of your son. Let him live in the plentiful supply of off campus apartments around Riverside just like most of the other upperclassmen.