<p>Any of you who got an 11 or 12 on the March SAT essay care to post it? - Since it was written under test conditions it is a better measure of what standard has to be met. Thanks.</p>
<p>In steamdrice’s Essay Scoring topic there is an 11 one</p>
<p>i got a 12 on the essay for the march sat. i believe the topic was whether or not ethics has anything to do with success. i’ve said this a few times on this forum, but i used the same method i did to get an 11 as a 13 year old taking the sat 4 years ago - i used one example from history and another from literature.</p>
<p>for the march essay, i wrote an intro of about 8-10 lines. i made sure to have a clear thesis (i said lack of ethics leads to lack of success). my first body paragraph dealt with muckrackers exposing the corruption of the gilded age and how that led to government imposing regulations on industries. muckrackers, i claimed, were ethical, gained fame while industries were exposed for their corrupt ways. in my 2nd body paragraph, i used shakespeare’s macbeth as an example - he was unethical, not to mention insane, when he killed duncan. the repercussions were that macbeth was unable to sleep, went insane, and died in the end, losing whatever pride and honor he had at the beginning. then i managed to squeeze in a 4-5 line conclusion just summarizing my basic points.</p>
<p>oh and i think it’s very helpful to write a mini outline - for me that’s just a thesis, and picking 2 points with which to support it.</p>
<p>@dolcevalse how long was your essay? did you outline your examples that you were going to use at the end of your introduction?</p>
<p>Hi there I got a 12 on my march essay. It came as a surprise; I actually wasn’t expecting much haha. Enjoy and let me know what you think!</p>
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<p>“Playing dirty is never worth the consequences of such misdeeds!” lol nice. it’s hard to read though >_<…</p>
<p>I thought my essay was relatively neat when I wrote it on paper, but somehow the scanning made it weird. This seems to happen to most of the sat essays I’ve seen so far.</p>
<p>Haha thanks for the comment! I thought it would be nice to end on a high note in order for the graders to feel good about my essay. It seemed to have worked.</p>
<p>tpingt: is it true that your conclusion consists of one sentence?</p>
<p>I got a 12, and it’s one of the bad ones I’ve written but I filled the two pages plus my handwriting is mall and it looks impressive, but also I had pretty solid ideas and all haha.
My conclusion was 3 sentences, if that helps.</p>