<p>I think i agree with the 5 and 6 being A.
not totally sure though</p>
<p>what were the questions for 5 and 6? I do not recall putting two As in a row on the last section…</p>
<p>well, at least i have certainty that i got most of the writing questions right. thanks hotinpursuit.</p>
<p>Section (35 Qs) - not experimental:
25 out of 35 identified.</p>
<p>Sentence Improvement:
The emperor penguin [__], the average standing at 45 inches tall. Answer was C.</p>
<p>No Errors (There were 3):
Hikers that went through the forest with the canopy (top right of first page)
Indian writer that used colloquial English (middle right of first page)
Unathletic boy who became adept at Ultimate Frisbee (bottom left of second page)</p>
<p>Idiom Errors:
succeeded in –> should be succeeded at (bottom left of second page)</p>
<p>Redundancy Errors:
return back (top right of second page)</p>
lay —> lays</p>
Had went —> went (We had planned by doing blah, blah, and blah, but nothing had went as we had expected.)
Have —> Had (romans concrete)
Helped nourishing —> Helped to nourish</p>
<p>Paragraph Improvement:
Nevertheless —> therefore
Such behavior suggests planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools
Number 35 —> sentence should be placed after sentence 14. Answer E.</p>
<p>False Comparison:
three soloists in an ensemble (as a soloist should be soloists) Answer was D.</p>
<p>Section 10:
Last 5 answers were E - D - E - E - E
The caretakes served the children, preventing spills by giving each child only a little amount. Answer was B.
Elections as a result of either … or …
but, according to (other answers had comma splices)
Even though they hate each other, Susan and Maxime are good friends and they even write children’s stories together.
In order to succeed at geology, one must study actual rock formations.(Misplaced Modifier error)
Portraits question (last one) was misplaced modifier. Portraits comes before depictions. Answer was E.</p>
<p>what was the answer for the last question…for the no errors part? the question right before the octopus passage?
i think it was something that said: a number of…?</p>
<p>also for the “succeeded at” and “return back” questions, were those for the improving sentences section or the no error section?</p>
<p>that was discussed very early in the thread.
i can’t exactly recall anymore… but i think it was a verb tense error, it’s one of the ones that’s already on the list. go check.</p>
<p>and those were both error ID</p>
<p>What do you mean by “no errors” section? They were error IDs.</p>
<p>For the idiom error answer,</p>
<p>Succeeding in -> succeeding at</p>
<p>I remember it as,</p>
<p>succeeding on -> revised</p>
<p>Or were there two separate “succeeding” idiom errors?</p>
<p>i think there were two separate succeeding errors</p>
<p>Could I ask what the essay prompts were for the March (and if possible, January) SAT please?</p>
<p>Thank you for the help :)</p>
i think there were two separate succeeding errors
I don’t think so. Besides, succeeding in can sometimes be correct.</p>
Agreed and changed in list.</p>
<p>Consolidated Writing - not experimental:
25 out of 35 identified.</p>
<p>Sentence Improvement:
The emperor penguin [__], the average standing at 45 inches tall. Answer was C.</p>
<p>No Errors (There were 3):
Hikers that went through the forest with the canopy (top right of first page)
Indian writer that used colloquial English (middle right of first page)
Unathletic boy who became adept at Ultimate Frisbee (bottom left of second page)</p>
<p>Idiom Errors:
succeeded on –> should be succeeded at (bottom left of second page)</p>
<p>Redundancy Errors:
return back (top right of second page)</p>
lay —> lays</p>
Had went —> went (We had planned by doing blah, blah, and blah, but nothing had went as we had expected.)
Have —> Had (romans concrete)
Helped nourishing —> Helped to nourish</p>
<p>Paragraph Improvement:
Nevertheless —> therefore
Such behavior suggests planning, insight, perhaps even use of tools
Number 35 —> sentence should be placed after sentence 14. Answer E.</p>
<p>False Comparison:
three soloists in an ensemble (as a soloist should be soloists) Answer was D.</p>
<p>Section 10:
Last 5 answers were E - D - E - E - E
The caretakers served the children, preventing spills by giving each child only a little amount. Answer was B.
Elections as a result of either … or …
but, according to (other answers had comma splices)
Even though they hate each other, Susan and Maxime are good friends and they even write children’s stories together.
In order to succeed at geology, one must study actual rock formations.(Misplaced Modifier error)
Portraits question (last one) was misplaced modifier. Portraits comes before depictions. Answer was E.</p>
<p>Ack, there were two separate succeeding errors…?</p>
<p>I remember “succeeding on.”</p>
<p>What were the choices for the other one (succeeding in)?</p>
<p>^Kameron: I agree that succeeding in can sometimes be correct. I identified another error in that sentence, so I don’t think it was an idiom problem.</p>
<p>“Succeeding on,” however, is definitely unidiomatic.</p>
<p>does anyone remember the sentence for succeeding on/at?</p>
<p>“return back” was number 23 if that helps anyone</p>
<p>I think I had A, then a random letter, then A again. I think my As were 5 & 7? I’m not positive though.</p>
<p>I remember three questions that aren’t on the consolidated list, though I did skip the last 24 pages of this thread:
- Something about dancers and pursuing careers; error was “their”
- Involving “each of the men at the meeting was seen as a spy” (paraphrased, it originally didn’t say “was seen as”); I picked the singular past form for “was seen as a spy”.
- One of the biggest stumpers for me: a question that started with “That _____ asserts that (something else)”. I picked A, meaning that I believed a sentence could not start with “that” (it must have something before it, like “the fact that ___ asserts…”). Otherwise, I would’ve picked E, no error.</p>
<p>Any of these may have been experimental. (There needs to be a separate topic for experimental questions, that would make it a lot easier to sort out everything?)</p>
<p>^I’m pretty sure that those were all experimental</p>
<p>how many A’s did u guys have in the last section (section 10)</p>
<p>I forget. I know I had zero C’s in the last section though.</p>
<p>what would be a -5 mc and a 10 essay? Still in the 700’s? :(</p>