
<p>We haven't heard from you in a while. Any updates from the admissions office? Any idea if decisions will be sent out early at all?</p>

<p>I’m not Mario (I have a feeling that he’s pretty much gone forever), but I would hazard to guess that they’ll be sent out exactly as planned.</p>

<p>why would you have any doubt that it wouldn’t coincide with the schedule and precedence over the last x years? And besides, even a week difference wouldn’t really kill you. Calm down and enjoy life.</p>

<p>Easy for us to say, eh necrophiliac? Personally, I’ve been enjoying life since somewhere around the 15th of December.</p>

<p>I’m not committed to GTown. I’m waiting on Princeton, Upenn (although they really ****ed me off lately…) Yale (interviewer was a joke. Chewed em and spit em back out in his major topic) and Cornell (interviewer said she spent her first year wasted…enough said…)</p>

<p>I’m just chillin’ though…10 pm and I didn’t touch my homework…</p>

<p>I’m not either, but I am looking forward to the trip there at the end of this month for GAAP weekend. I want results from Amherst, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, and also the results of a competition for a full-paid ($200,000+) scholarship at Washington and Lee. I missed three days for that competition last week, so I am catching up at school big time. Something funny did happen though: there are not very many EA accepted students here in Louisiana (<5 I would guess), and I have to compete with one of them for my regional Student of the Year award on Thursday!</p>

<p>I’ll be at GAAP too but that’s more of day off from school than anything else. I live 45 min from GTown (timed it) and loiter around that area often…</p>

<p>Well, the GAAP trip involves a flight for me. We’re (my immediate family is going too) flying in to Reagan on Wednesday night. I’ll try to arrange some class visits on Thursday, and then GAAP starts on Friday.</p>

<p>if you have any questions about visiting classes, let me know I have 5 on thursdays.</p>

<p>Thanks, hec2008. I don’t know yet if I will be visiting classes that day (we may just enjoy DC), but, if I do, I will let you know!</p>