Marist 2025

My daughter just got her acceptance, yay! But merit was lower than we were expecting by about 3-5K. Going to try to call & see about asking for more. This was her 1st acceptance but it’s her top choice. Need more $ to make it work. Ugh!!!


No the letter did not mention a specific major.

Thank you
Congrats to you as well
I think you pick the major once there unless it’s a special program. My daughter wants PR/Comm. Someone on another thread got the same as my daughter & thought they would get more too

Hopeful to make it work!

Congrats to all who got in!!! I applied ED and haven’t heard back but fingers crossed. Go red foxes!!

Good luck

@Aimeenut, and anyone else willing to share, would you mind sharing how much merit was offered? My daughter was accepted EA over the weekend too. She got the Presidential scholarship and was was given $15K/year. I thought it would be a tad higher too. I looked in last year’s thread and it seems like the most people were getting was $17.5K

Also anyone else get into the Honors College? No mention of this in my daughter’s letter so assuming she didn’t make it unless that comes later?

It was nice that the acceptance came this early. It looks like last year they kept people in suspense much later.

And, finally, anyone have insight about the area around Marist? The campus is beautiful and modern ,but the area seemed kind of dismal. We didnt have time when we visited before the pandemic to go exploring. Thanks!

My daughter got 12k & we were expecting 15-17.5k. I’m going to try to ask for more. 15 is the lowest she can have to make it work. She loves Marist but it’s pricey & they seem to give less merit compared to other private schools.

Another parent told me her daughter got 12 also

The others I heard only said it was low

@Glodoll As for Honors I don’t think there was a separate application. Nope, no mention of a major in my daughter’s letter either so I am assuming it’s fine whatever they listed, esp in LACs. This is my first child so not an expert but I have read that it’s fine to try to negotiate with the colleges. They will not rescind the offer.

My biggest concern with Marist is the area around Marist. The campus itself was so nice but seemed depressing around the route 9 area, although I am not from NY so not sure if there are other areas nearby that are nicer? Thoughts @Glodoll or @Aimeenut ? Thanks!

@Glodoll Thanks. My only hope for the area is they talked about on our tour last winter (before Covid hit) was that there was a big development going up across the street which would bring a supermarket and stores but it sounds like it will take years to finish.

i applied on october 28th, EA but no response yet. does anyone know what date i could find out?

I think they are sendin them out a bit at a time. My D applied 11/1 and heard 11/27

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@Aimeenut Did she apply ED? Good luck I hope you can get the fin aid you need. This is our sons top pic too we all loved it really but he applied EA. Fingers crossed… I am a bit worried about COA here… we need top scholarship to make it work and that is even not really enough but it could work… Seems like Marist does not offer as much as other schools.

Hyde Park and Rhinebeck are beautiful and just up the road. The area right near campus is kind of blah but the campus itself is beautiful.


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No they do not but we will file a reconsideration request once we get other offers. I spoke with the admissions counselor on what to do

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Rhine beck has some celebs living there. One of my HS friends lives there.

I applied ED and submitted october 28th and haven’t heard anything yet. should I be worried?

same here! I think maybe by the 15th

Looks like they sent out more acceptances this week