Maritime school or college for engineering?

I heard from someone that someone they knew went to maritime college and is working as a marine engineer and made over 300k a year right out of maritime school. What advantages do maritime academics like SUNY Maritime give you if you want to be a marine engineer in terms of earning potential and career opportunities? Can I still do all the jobs that someone who graduates with an engineering degree from a maritime school does if I get an engineering degree from a regular college or university?

I don’t know the answer to your question, but the daughter of a friend went to Maine Maritime Academy, where she met her future husband. They did so well that they were able to retire while in their late 30s. They’re now both volunteering on a ship that sails around the world, helping people in poor countries. Their two kids accompany them. Cool life!


Interesting… do you know what job they did?

They worked for Exxon but I’m not sure what they did.

Thanks for the info! Do you think it would have been possible without Maritime school?

From what I know, people who work for the oil companies and have jobs that pay much higher rates than one would expect end up doing work on oil platforms or out on boats. For instance, many may be on a 2 weeks on/2weeks off schedule. That means for 2 weeks they work 7 days a week on a boat/platform, usually doing 12-hour shifts (and sleeping on the boat). Then they are off for 2 weeks, getting to see their family, travel, etc. Depending on one’s stage of life, it can be really rewarding. If you have a spouse at home, particularly with young kids, it can be hard on the family. Those jobs can be had by anyone with the correct degree, whether it’s petroleum engineering, marine engineering, etc. The degree does not need to come from a maritime school.



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Look into Webb Institute (NY)

All enrolled students are granted a full-tuition scholarship (U.S. citizens & permanent residents only)

Students graduate with a dual BS in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering.

“Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering” is one major in ABET accreditation (which Webb Institute has), even though Webb Institute describes it as a “dual BS”.

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