Marquette/Notre Dame/Duke/Vanderbilt

<p>I would really like to know my chances for admission into these schools. I feel safe with Marquette, but the other three I'm significantly worried about. I'll probably regret saying this, but feel free to be brutally honest. </p>


<p>College Credit Coursework:
Pre-Calculus (junior)
Calculus I and II (senior) *will be taken on college campus
Latin I and II (senior) *will be taken on college campus
Philosophy (senior) *will be taken on college campus
Expository Writing (senior)</p>

<p>Advanced Placement Coursework:
Biology (junior)
US History (junior)</p>

<p>Honors Language Arts 9/10 (freshman)
Honors American Literature and Composition (sophomore)
Honors Chemistry (sophomore)
Honors Economics? (senior)</p>

4.0 Cumulative Grade Point Average (our school doesn't have weighted courses)
Class Rank: 1 of 312
PSAT 95th percentile
Composite ACT Score: 33 (either within or above mid 50 percentile at all 4 schools for class of 2013)
English - 36
Math - 33
Reading - 34
Science - 29 (not proud of this one)
High Honor Roll (freshman, sophomore, junior)
A.P. Biology Exam Score: 5
APUSH Exam Score: 5</p>


<p>Cross Country Most Improved Award (freshman)
Cross Country Varsity Letter (freshman, sophomore, junior, probably senior)
Track and Field Varsity Letter (freshman, sophomore, junior, probably senior)
Received certification in CPR =) (May 2010)</p>


<p>Summer 2009/2010<br>
National Railroad Museum (80+ hours)<br>
Inventory Assistant</p>

<p>2008 – present<br>
Student Assistant at high school (15+ hours)<br>
Student Resource Center assistant (2008)
Math Resource Center assistant (15 hours)</p>

<p>Helped out at GB Cellcom Marathon Kids Run (3 hours)</p>


<p>Invited to attend the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) (2010)
Cross Country Team Captain (2010 season)</p>


<p>Track and Field Varsity Team<br>
Cross Country Varsity Team
National Honor Society (junior, senior)
Student Assistant (freshman, junior)
Student Resource and Math Resource Centers
Metro Math League
Attended math meets (February – March 2010)
Science Bowl Team (February 2010)
American Math Competition (February 2010)</p>

Pursue a major in Biomedical Engineering or Biochemistry.
Apply for an AFROTC scholarship.</p>

Duke (still undecided between Trinity or Pratt)
Notre Dame (legacy – father and sister) note the screen name [golden]domer16
Vanderbilt (legacy – sister) not sure if this actually counts as legacy.
Marquette (safety)
MAYBE Northwestern</p>

<p>I know the extracurriculars are weak...there is not much available in suburban Wisconsin. Is this going to severely hurt my application? Or do schools like Duke/ND/Vanderbilt focus more on criteria like test scores/GPA etc? I’m hoping a good essay will help make up for my lack of ECs.
Also, I'm worried about not taking a science course senior year due to a scheduling conflict.</p>

<p>I don’t know much about this stuff but I think it sounds slightly pathetic to state that you are “CPR certified”. I’m not sure if you’re actually putting that on your application but I don’t think they care. (no rudeness intended)</p>

<p>Probably not, but it can’t really hurt.</p>

<p>Pretty good shot at all of them with a 4.0. Especially ND considering the legacy. Duke and Vandy are not for sure but you have a good shot, feel confident about the rest.</p>

I should also mention:
I helped raise money for the Malawi Well Project at my school. </p>

Gender: male
Ethnicity: white
State/Region: NE Wisconsin (kind of underrepresented, right?)</p>

<p>Good chance at Vanderbilt.</p>

<p>Thanks for the input! Anyone else?</p>

<p>Just fyi (and I TOTALLY don’t mean anything bad in saying this, so PLEASE don’t take this the wrong way), I’m not really sure that being invited to attend the National Student Leadership Conference counts as leadership because so many students are invited to attend and you actually have to pay to participate. In my opinion, if you have to pay to partake in a leadership program, it doesn’t really single you out as a leader; it’s more of a gimmick. So, I think if you can figure something else out to put down on your resume in the leadership category, on the whole your resume will seem more qualitative. Other than that, I think you have a fantastic shot at any of those schools, especially because of your class rank!</p>

<p>haha yeah aghdfkghkdfjgh I agree…I put NSLC on my resume for NHS and just never bothered taking it off. Unfortunately there are few leadership positions available for the ECs I’m involved in, except sports captains and NHS officers. Could leadership make or break my chances for admission? And don’t be too impressed by class rank - I’m tied with like 15 other people for first lol…maybe adcoms won’t look into this?</p>

<p>Additional opinions??</p>
