Master List of Scholarship Awards (Class of '11)

<p>I received a total of $9000/yr (renewable for five years since I was accepted into the Pharmacy program) from Duquesne University. Laval Scholarship = $6500 and $2500 Duq Univ Academic Scholarship.</p>

<p>GPA: 4.65 W, 4.0 UW
SAT: 680M/770CR/700W = 2150
Varsity swimming, team captain for this year
Not many ECs though.</p>

<p>DS received $4000 per year (renewable for 5 years) at Texas Tech. Automatic for anyone with over 1400 on SAT Math/CR plus top 10%.</p>

<p>I got $48,000 over 4 years for University of Rhode Island for the Centennial Scholarship apart of early action. SAT: 1200 Rank: 5 GPA: 4.2 - 4.3 weighted.</p>

<p>Univeristy of New Hampshire offered a merit scholarship (dean's) which is $6,000 a year.</p>

<p>S got $11,650 first year, $10K of it renewable at Bridgewater (VA) college. $10K renewable based strictly on GPA (3.4 -- 3.6). $1650 based solely on SAT scores</p>

<p>D received 41,696 scholarship for 4 years to Clemson. It waives OOS tuition and fee differential + 2000.</p>

<p>My D has been named a Dean's Scholar at Saint Louis U which includes a renewable $11,000/yr scholarship ($2,000 applied to room and board). She is also waiting to hear about the honors and Pre-Law Scholars programs there. Her stats are 30 ACT; 2020 SAT; 4.965 wtd GPA; top 10%; many community ECs, most arts-related; and several art awards</p>

<p>D was very happy to receive a letter today offering her a full-tuition honors scholarship to the University of Pittsburgh for four years. Her stats are 2220 SAT (800CR, 680M, 740W), 3.7 GPA, NMSF. We're OOS, so it's probably worth about $21,000 per year.</p>

<p>Congrats to all the scholarship winners!</p>

<p>Meant to say $14,000 per year at U of Portland for D.</p>

<p>My D is still a Junior in HS this year. Got her first SAT of 1370 as an eight grader, 5 AP so far and will have 11 total at graduation, GPA 4.0 UW, should be top 5% in class ranking, 220 PSAT (OH), Several state awards for math and science olympics, captain of first team state quiz bowl, 2nd nationwide in the national spanish exam, Governer's school of art (20 per state) for piano, several sports participations, good EC including a year as a student nurse in Hospital. </p>

<p>Could we blow all our savings on whatever now and wait for scholarships to pay for her college?</p>

<p>Yikes! Save your can't rely on scholarships!</p>

Could we blow all our savings on whatever now and wait for scholarships to pay for her college?

I'd blow it all on Red 21, but I'm an aggressive kind of guy. What's the worst that could happen? No scholarship comes through at a school the kid wants to attend? Pshaw. They'll get over it in time. (;) Just kidding.)</p>

<p>My D was fortunate enough to get a wonderful scholarship to a school she loves . She had state level accomplishments, perfect grades and rank, dang near perfect Tests (pm me for details). The point is not to brag but to urge great caution. She did NOT receive the top scholarships at several schools. In fact she did not receive enough money to attend some of the schools. </p>

<p>Top scholarship competition at top 100 schools makes HYP look like open admissions. Success rates are often below 1% of qualified applicants. Amost all of the most prestigious scholarships require interviews and weekends and all sorts of nebulous holistic considerations that you just cannot predict the outcome. </p>

<p>Save the money.</p>

<p>My son was awarded: Summerfield Scholar at KU ($4500 per year X 4), Distinguished Scholars Award from Tulane ($22,00 per year X 4) and Presidential Scholarship ($14,000 per year X 4) from Stetson. It all sounds great but unless he is awarded some of the local scholarships for which he has applied (which I think he has a good chance) and unless he gets some good financial aid through FAFSA (which I'm sure he will) he will still be attending our local community college because we simply cannot afford to help. Regardless, we are still proud of him.</p>

<p>DD was $12,500X4=$50,000 Trustee's Scholarship at Allegheny College. Still not enough; we'll have to wait and see what FA they give us!</p>

<p>I guess I am the first person to get a full ride at a top 50 school. It's not official yet but I am a likely candidate for a full ride scholarship and entry to the honors college in Yeshiva University. Last year two out of the thirteen students accepted received this scholarship. In previous years many other students from my school got this scholarship. Now it’s even easier to get due to the 100 million dollar grant from some donor. Basically to get this you need a 32 ACT, not sure SAT, and good grades. Have a solid interview which I’ve already flown to New York to get, And most important GREAT RECOMANDATIONS. After I dismal ACT I improved and got a 33 and I am getting my recommendations from teachers who in past years wrote recommendations for scholarship winners.</p>

<p>My DD has received $7000/yr alumni scholarship to Illinois Wesleyan U; this equals 1/4 of tuition; her prior merit awards to other private schools are 1/3-1/2 tuition awards; waiting to hear from 4 other schools but she may choose one of her state schools where she has prepaid tuition; a deciding factor will be FAFSA (and the full-ride scholarships she is up for)--we expect to pay c $10K per year no matter where she goes but won't burden her (or us) with large loans.</p>

<p>I tentatively (sp?) got a Global Citizens Scholarship at Goucher College- $15k
per year... so $60k total. Not bad, but I have to hope for some decent financial aid!</p>

<p>I also received 5k/year for Northeastern's PharmD program. This isn't enough for me to attend, but again financial aid could help me out!</p>

<p>My son got a Rensselaer Leadership Award to RPI. It's $10,000/year no conditions.</p>

<p>Stats: GPA 102.5 weighted, SAT 800CR, 770M, 690W, classrank 7/ca. 700.</p>

<p>^ Congratulations mathmom. Are you happy with that award? Do you think he might get more? His stats are so good...</p>

<p>I am happy enough - I know my nephew got better offers from other places. Unfortunately the school awarded someone else the Renssalaer Medal which is the biggie. I know someone whose daughter's goes there and they've periodically added on to her money much to their surprise.</p>

<p>Yeah, I forgot about the medal. My son's school gave it to a kid that will no way want to go to a school like RPI. (He's not a "technical" kid at all! He didn't even apply!) That was pretty disappointing, because RPI may still be my son's sort-of-first-choice, but he's unlikely to get enough money there to make it do-able. Oh well.</p>