<p>I'm gonna be transfer student (again) at a school that offers a BS/MS program where I could get both my BS and MS degrees in five years if I were a freshman. However, I will be bringing in roughly 60-ish credits and if i just went for the BS degree I could be finished the spring semester after next. But with the MS added to it, it might take another year at least.</p>
<p>Would it be worth it to stay in school for another year to get my Masters? How long would it take to get a Masters after completing my BS? The upside to the program is that I don't have to take the GRE for it. </p>
<p>I want to get a PhD in pharmacology and maybe a MPH afterwards but I would like to take a year off from getting a BS(/MS) to work first. What type of jobs could I get in labs with a Masters in biology?</p>