Match Me/ Chance me [International student looking for financial aid, 3.85/1350, CS or Software Engineering]

international student

Intended Major(s)
Computer science / Software Engineering

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.85
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): (none)
  • Class Rank:1
  • ACT/SAT Scores:1350 (Should I send my score?)

Olevels 5 subjects
English A
Mathematics A*
Chemistry A*
Physics A
Computer Science A

Physics A
Mathematics (Pure & Mechanics) A
Chemistry B

Physics A*
Mathematics (Pure 3 and Statistics) A*
Chemistry A

Academic Excellence O & As-Level

President 2 societies
Made a portofolio website
learning JS and Python
Active Volunteer in a ngo for 2 years
made a smart blind stick
Some Sports Participation
Organised an internship with a ngo

pretty strong

Cost Constraints / Budget
Looking for financial Aid

For ED Univeristy of Miami

First of all, what is your budget? Can you afford to attend a school in the US?
What are your parents going to pay?

I just googled the current cost of attendance at U of Miami and it appears to be at $88K. That is VERY expensive for most families in the US. Also University of Miami appears to be NEED AWARE which means that your ability to pay will be considered when making a decision to admit you. They will be AWARE that you NEED their funds to attend.

Need-based aid is probably a different number, but according to their website, they meet 100% demonstrated financial need as they determine it. An average cost to attend, after their aid was applied, was listed as ~$30K.

I also googled the “average” international scholarship merit awards, and those appear to be between $2500 to $12K per year. With your current stats, I don’t know if you will be competitive with other students who have “better” stats.

So, if you require financial aid to attend, it is going to be a struggle since that school is so expensive and they will choose who they will fund. Your best bets are to attend an affordable university in your country.

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why UMiami?

Find a university where you can apply test optional.

Your academic rrecord is imprressive. So you have a chance at making 1st cut. After that, the univerrsity will wonder “what can you bring us”?
Looking at your EC’s, what would you say would be valuable to the university to the point they’d want to fund you?
Articulate this and you’ll know how to angle your EC list and “additional information”.


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