Match Me: NY Resident, White Female w/ Hispanic Background, 75k ish [NY resident, 95% GPA; pre-med, biology]

Yep south carolina- i couldn’t go to California. And thanks! Will change soon

This is all very true. Some animals also will die because they didn’t get to the vet quickly enough. This can be a combination of the human being busy and not getting to it, and the animals not being very good in their ability to clearly explain any problems that they might be having. My daughter who is studying for a DVM had to take a full course of rabies vaccines before starting the program. A veterinarian will be bitten or scratched enough times that this is valuable, since you do not know which one time over an entire career or two might or might not come with a risk.

At one point I had a reason to see a genetic counselor. She was quite good and this was useful. Apparently in addition to being a part time genetic counselor she is also a part type Yoga coach. This made me suspect that the genetic counseling part of her career path was not all that lucrative.

A high acceptance rate can come from predictable admissions, so that less qualified applicants do not apply. Also, the most important part of your academic excellence in high school is not getting into a top ranked school, it is being very well prepared to do well once you get to university wherever you go. You have learned how to be a good student. You have also gained a solid background in a wide range of subjects, and have gotten some sense of which subjects you like the best and are good at.

When you get to university, it sounds like you are going to be in multiple classes that overlap with premed requirements. These are in many cases going to be challenging. Coming in well prepared and having done well in high school will help you a lot in these classes regardless of whether you are at a school with a 70% acceptance rate or a school with a 10% acceptance rate.

As an example, one daughter was the top student in her high school, and attended a very good small university in Canada that most of us here in the US have never heard of. Most universities in Canada have predictable admissions, which leads to a high acceptance rate and she did attend a school with an acceptance rate well over 50%. Freshman year she got permission to take “Biology for Biology majors” even though she started with a different major. The first mid-term had a class average in the mid 40’s. I took this as the university doing a favour to the students who thought they were premed – they were getting a very early hint regarding whether or not they would be able to survive in premed classes and medical school, and many of them could start thinking about possibly considering a different career. You are going to find yourself in similarly challenging classes, even at any of the SUNY’s, and your excellent work in high school will prepare you to be getting something hopefully significantly higher than the class average on a similar first midterm exam.

UNC could be considered a high reach for you as an out of state student. The (weed out) science classes that you’ll have to take at the above universities for a science/pre-med track will be extremely difficult. I hope you have a high aptitude for science.

If you intend to go to med school, then possibly the best track to be on is the least expensive out of pocket cost for you at a college with a challenging program that you can easily manage while keeping the highest GPA possible - because undergrad GPA, clinical/volunteer experience (and MCAT score) will be what medical schools focus on when considering admission. It makes no sense to rack up student loans or empty anyone’s bank account for undergrad when you have med school costs ahead of you.

As a NY resident, SUNY Binghampton would be an excellent and highly respected choice. You can consider some of the other colleges on your list for medical school.


I’m confused about class rank. With a 95 average it looks like mostly A’s, so why do you think middle girl math (not that rank is used for individual subjects)?

Thank you, I get your point, its just a little saddening how everyone is recommending me SUNYS when I 1) didn’t want an urban environment and 2) thought I was above public institutions. I get it im not that great but being recommended Schools that have 70%+ acceptance rates after all my hard work is saddening

Forget my rank, i based it off my friends, its not accurate

Most of the SUNY schools are not in an urban environment, and UNC which is a reach) is a public university. So is UDel. Have you looked at the student profiles for Binghamton? They are strong.

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Im just saddened how im so passionate about science and it’s genuinely the one thing I really excel in- im more successful than virtually everyone else in my area, i want the challenge. Im capable of it, thats not the problem. So its really heartbreaking being recommended 70%+ acceptance rate schools and people telling me “it will be too hard for you” when i am almost certain it wont be. It feels like all my hard work and passion is going to waste and I hate it

And I know I know names aren’t everything, but I want college to be the time of my life. Studying what I love and living in a dorm in a beautiful area. I dont want a place that cant give me the resources I need to succeed in a worthwhile career, not just a s***ty shack of a lab with people who dont care nearly as much as I do that most high acceptance rate schools are known for, based on what others tell me

My 3.98 34 act went to udel, my 3.98 33 act had Bing on her short list, with Rutgers and Clemson, but Clemson honors won out. They had all 4’s 5’s on AP tests so started with 2 semesters of credits.

What SUNY is being recommended that has a 70% acceptance rate? Binghamton does not.

Binghamton looks okay. I just dont want my family to be disappointed in me with the reputation of SUNYs. Besides id highly prefer to go out of state

Wow, you’re not all that! And introductory science classes tend to be weed outs freshman year, my daughter got her second (and last) B is her entire school career in chemistry 103. 72% acceptance rate, top of her class in both HS and college, killing it at BU for grad school. Her freshman dorm was beautiful, as was the campus, she lived her best life there.

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I am confused as to why you think the SUNY schools have a bad reputation. One of my kids graduated from a SUNY and went to an Ivy for grad school.

One of my kids went to UNC. She is now in a grad program at a public university that many HS students in that state do not want to attend. The program has an 8% acceptance rate and her cohort is very impressive.

You are 15 and right now you do not see the whole picture. I get it. It will make more sense when you are a little older.

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If im “not all that” and therefore a bad student, then why are you recommending Binghamton to me if its such a good school in your words? Im confused by what ur trying to say. And other people are calling binghamton a saftey- i dont know if i wanna go to a safety school

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My family says they are for people who can’t afford to get good careers. And all my friends who have like 80% average and have no passion for school are recommended sunys and plan on going to them

However you’re right that im only 15, I barely know anything, and I have to keep an open mind and trust my opinions will change

IMO Binghamton is a target school for you.

I am basing this on the description of your class rank combined with the data for current Binghamton students. The average gpa is a 4.0 (I assume weighted). The middle 50% for math is 660-750 and the mid 50% for reading/writing is 650-720. ACT mid 50% is 30-33.

To me, this sounds like a strong school and I would not look at it as anything but.

I do not mean anything bad by it.

And yet you need to have at least one you can see yourself at. You do realize you’re getting pretty insulting to parents who’s high stats kids attend these “lesser” (in your mind) schools, who are still challenged, and love their universities, and with no s****y shacks as labs. I don’t know where your parents went to college, my father had degrees from Princeton and Columbia (went to boarding school) and had no issue with me attending a public. My grads already have very good salaries. There are students who get accepted into t20 schools who attend their in state flagships, many of which have great honors colleges.


Hmmm… many on here have graduated from SUNY’s and other public universities and are very successful.

Respectfully, I think you may need to mature a little bit more and then revisit your list. Binghamton might not even accept you - nothing is a given. I would caution you going forward, however, to be cautious of criticizing groups of colleges or types of colleges without doing your own research. Having an elitist attitude is not a productive way to go about a pursuit of a medical career (which is a long road of acceptances and rejections. Mostly rejections.)