Match me - rising senior looking for some target/safety school recommendations [MI resident, 3.97, 34, <$70k]

75K would really be the max, unless it is an Ivy . She will probably apply to 1 or max 2 of them and is not expecting to get in.

Several years back UM overenrolled, so the following year kids that clearly should have gotten in did not. Hopefully they learned from that mistake! Good luck!

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yes , target/safety schools. I think what we were trying to do is consider applying to 1 or 2 more that are like UMich - just academic standing wise ( if that makes sense ).
A lot of great suggestions from all of you that we will look into.

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I would think Ohio State would be within reach if Michigan is. I think Miami Ohio was already suggested.

Look at the SUNY schools too. Even OOS would be less than your price point.

What about University of Delaware?

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They sent some recommendations. I know a lot of them are in the NE but at the time she mentioned she liked that area ( after a vacation ) so I think they focused there mainly.
Case Western
Bates College
Connecticut College
Boston U
Ohio State
U of Cincinnati

Good list. I’m not sure BU will get to your price point. Same with Amherst and Bate, and Northeastern.

If she is looking at Cincinnati would she look at University of Dayton?


Another east coast school in a small town that gets overlooked (and has had its struggles) but can be very generous and is a good little school and would be a “safety” is Goucher.


Along with Goucher, there is also Loyola Maryland.


Considering schools with a similar standardized scoring profile to that of UMich may provide you with further ideas:

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Unless you have financial need (so run the NPCs) Amherst and Bates will not come in at $70k (both $80k+ and don’t offer merit). Connecticut College offers merit to a good number of students and is a nice smaller NESCAC school so it could be worth checking out.

Was the counselor aware of your budget?
Asking because many of these suggested schools will be above your $70k budget.

If you’re looking for target schools within your budget, consider some public flagships with good biology programs. Like UIUC and Maryland. Maybe even Rutgers (which I think will be a likely).


I think there was some misunderstanding with the budget.
Thank you !


Ohio State’s already been mentioned, but for athletic fans, I can’t think of many who’s consider both the Buckeyes and the Wolverines on their application list. U. of Wisconsin has a very strong reputation, though would not necessarily be an extremely likely admit (though I suspect she’d be likely).

When adding the part about “academic standing,” if you’re meaning approximate USNWR ranking, then there aren’t many that will hit the price point. U. of Florida and U. of North Carolina-Chapel Hill would hit the price, but both are definitely hard admits, too. U. of Rochester (NY) might give enough merit aid to bring the school within budget. All of that said, USNWR is not what I would consider a great barometer of “academic standing.”


Given your geographic areas - and you want similar in academic standing, I’d say that Wisconsin and Washington come to mind as most similar to Michigan.

But - they are not assured - and I think then you go to the Minnesota and Ohio State type schools next because what you’re really looking for is assured in case Michigan doesn’t work.

But I mentioned before - and this is my opinion and frankly, you want to find the right school, not the most esteemed - but outside of a few select majors, I don’t think it matters if you go to Michigan, Penn State, Iowa, SUNY Bing or Buff, Rutgers, Purdue, Indiana, Illinois, Oregon, etc. They’re mainly interchangeable (yes, even with Michigan)- as is Michigan State. So hopefully she can visit a few and see which works for her and not for reputation alone - because other than magazines, few see any of these as different.

You did mention a possibility of English and Iowa stands out there even though most would think it’s, compared to Michigan, far below. It’s an English powerhouse.

That’s just a big school list using your geography. Obviously, there are the mid size and smaller which were sent in other responses.

I always worry when I read this: Her counsellor suggests psych/English as well just to put some major down for now.

That’s fine - but she’s the student - and in this case, undecided is likely the best way to go - and she’ll have time. She, not her counselor, is the student and I can’t imagine the counselor truly knows her that deep.

Best of luck.

PS - now that you’ve given a max, and don’t forget extra fees above what they tell you and inflation for years 2-4, you now know, assuming full pay - which schools need to come off the list (sorry Vassar). But again, the good news is your student has put you in a position to pay as little as $20K (yes, they might not love the geography) and many schools from $25-50K or up the $75K you now listed.

If your top figure is really $75K, then great. But if it’s $75K for Vassar, but only $40K if it’s an Ohio State level school, you’d have to factor that in too - because initially you stated (post 1) the greater than $70K “if school is worth it” - and I’m not sure if the “target/safety” schools are worth that amount to you.

So again, I urge you to come up with a budget even if it’s two different - the high echelon or reach schools - I’ll spend $75K.

But the target schools, maybe it’s only $40K or $60K, etc.

If that makes sense.

We can work with any figure and help you - and your daughter’s great academics have created this opportunity for you to save save save without any loss of academic quality!!!

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