Match programs for aerospace/materials and mechanical engineering [3.4GPA, 1500 SAT, <$30k/year]

hi! thanks for the input!

I’ve been looking into bing engineering and I think I really like it, I really like the competitions they also enroll in. I am not sure what my chances are but I think I’m going to apply EA to bing and buff. Not sure where else I should give EA a go! ANy suggestions?

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Also apply EA to Union College.

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Akron usually opens its application toward the beginning of August and will start releasing decisions toward the end of September. They will continue to review applications and send out decisions. This is known as rolling admissions.

So if you apply when they open their application it is likely you would have a decision by October. You will learn a lot by actually filling out and submitting an application. Each application you submit will be better as you get used to the process.

Many colleges offer fee waivers for the application. Some for showing interest like visiting or attending an online information session. Some offer free applications on select days.

Akron has their free application code for this year on their application page: Zippy

Not sure if the code will be the same for next year’s cycle, but now you know to look for it and you can always ask.


This page has information for international students and a video about an international student studying biomedical engineering and her campus experience:

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Wow thank you so much! I will definitely look into this!!

Can someone chance me for TAMU? I know it’s out of state but I will check the NPC . I just want to know if I would have a chance though.

Here is the Cost of Attendance sheet for TAMU which lists the price of $62,794/yr for international engineering students.

As a Texas public university they offer admission spots to the top Texas students first. Engineering can be a tough admit even for an in state student, but especially so for oos and is usually considered a reach even for students with top stats.


oh my that is a lot D :

That makes sense. I will not consider tamu (I also don’t like the location)

This is a scholarship program for international students. You apply through the schools themselves.

I did notice SUNY New Paltz and Stonybrook listed. You may want to bookmark this and see which schools will participate next cycle so you know to look for it and can apply.


Hi!! Thank you so much for sharing this with me, I had no idea this existed. This is very cool : )


When applying to UAkron, make sure to apply to the Honors College too (if admitted, this means practical benefits+scholarships). Same thing for Youngstown State, also in OH.
Apply as soon as the application opens - it’ll help you practice, figure out what you could do better, etc.


Hi!! Thank you so much for letting me know, I have been looking into UAkron and I really like their competitive teams, however I haven’t heard much about the classes or the facilities they have. Does anyone have more information about the opportunity available at UAkron?

Also, I have been struggling to find private universities that I actually have a chance at for engineering : ( and would offer me enough aid. I’m starting to get worried about my chances anywhere as I’m hearing SUNY’s and CUNY’s are getting more competitive (especially for engineering) . I also want to look really no further than east of the Mississippi river for closeness sake : >

One uni which has really interested me was rose hulman and olin but I feel as if I wouldn’t be a competitive candidate. However the small size and specialization in engineering is so cool!!

Akron is especially known for polymer science/engineering; you might be interested in this subfield of research: Biomaterials / Bioengineering Research in the School of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering : The University of Akron, Ohio

If you’d like a small, STEM-focused school… leaving aside geographic preference for a second, SD Mines would be both an admissions safety and a financial safety, as the non-resident sticker price is under 26K/year. It’s a very hands-on, project-based school (with a little over 2000 undergrads) that is recognized by employers for preparing its students well for the workplace. I know it’s farther than you want to go, but it could be worth an application if you’re worrying about getting shut out. It fits a lot of your criteria, other than location - and the somewhat obscure (but scenic!) location is exactly the reason that it’s affordable and a relatively easy admit.


Yes, College of Engineering is one of the most competitive colleges at every university. That’s why you’ll need to apply widely. It’ll be difficult to gauge whether some colleges are safety or match so you’d be better off erring on the side of caution.

Olin is definitely out of reach.
Union and Clarkson should definitely be on your radar.
Cooper Union is a reach but if you can afford the rent, it’s worth a shot.
Lafayette and Lehigh are both reaches.
Have your parents looked into Tuition Exchange?

UAkron is a solid university for Engineering.
Did you see that?




Wow, this is cool!

The title for this thread should really be changed haha :sweat_smile: I’m leaning on the side of mechanical or aeronautical engineering! Biomedical is super cool but I don’t think it’s a feild that I would thrive in anymore.

Honestly the appeal for small stem focused schools came from having a strong STEM department but I would also be really happy at a large uni with a really dedicated STEM department! I really enjoy working directly with professors and faculty and participating in team competitions. I’ve heard that Ubuff has a very good engineering department so I am leaning towards there as well. Nice to know about this university though, I think it would be a good safety application? I think? Lol :smiling_face:

Yeah, I realized olin was out of reach, however it’s fine and there’s also lots of other opportunity for me :smiling_face:

ok! Those all seem like great options!! I think I will be applying to UAkron after letting my parents know about the distance. thank you for letting me know!! how about these:
WPI (FRC scholarship)
Stevens IT
UMass Lowell/Umass Amherst
Virginia Tech
trinity college

I also never knew corrosion engineering exists and I checked out the website, they said it was a mix between chemical and materials engineering which is super cool. I don’t think I would want to major in that though as it seems like the applications for the major are very limited in field, but still super awesome!!

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Oh, sorry if I lost track of what you’re thinking major-wise. I do still think that SD Mines could be a good safety. There are other admissions safeties out there for you, of course, but no safety is a true safety unless you’re also certain it will be affordable - and this one is a real bargain for high-quality, ABET-accredited engineering, even for OOS/International students.

Buffalo is definitely a great one to aim for - its reputation for engineering is even a little stronger than Bing’s, although of course both are great. Not a slam-dunk admissions-wise, by any means, but worth a try for sure. Definitely plan to apply by the Early Action deadline at any SUNY schools that offer that option.

As for the most recent list you asked about… some are more difficult to get into than others, but the big question is which of these have the potential to be affordable. Public-wise…I don’t think VT does, and I don’t see UMass Amherst getting down to your price point either. It’s worth looking into whether Lowell might work cost-wise, because its STEM reputation is strong and growing. (But it’s a tougher path to affordability than a SUNY/CUNY, and not necessarily better.)

As for the privates - RPI, WPI, Bucknell, Trinity - the sticker prices are high, and I don’t know whether enough aid is available for international students to make any of them viable. For example, this page has a lot of info about international aid at Trinity: They’re basically saying that it’ll be very tough to get in if your EFC is under 35K… and by that they mean even tougher than the overall international admit rate of 10.8%. Not super encouraging. Another smaller private that might be worth looking at is Milwaukee School of Engineering… but I can’t tell if there’s potential to get down to your budget or not.

I keep coming back to in-state schools being the most realistic, with rare exceptions like SD Mines. I thought about Dalhousie in Nova Scotia, as it’s quite affordable for international students, but costs vary by school within the university… so, the School of Agriculture would be affordable at 26K/year, but Engineering at 41K/year not so much. (Other programs are in between: International & Exchange Students - Money Matters - Dalhousie University )

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I’m in agreement with @aquapt.

Do you live or go to school in one of these New York counties?

Select New York Counties

New York

If so, and if you can get your GPA above a 3.5 weighted (you’re at a 3.4 now, right?) and if you can get your SAT 20 points higher, then U. of Louisville will likely be a financial safety. (I know, lots of ifs.) Here’s the Regional Scholars Scholarship Chart (source):

U. of Louisville also has a very hands-on engineering program and has a lot of respect from many posters who are knowledgeable about engineering programs.


Yeah! I’m totally going to be applying to Bing and Buff, along with Stony. All three have great engineering programs : ) I guess out of that list I’m really looking at WPI. They seem like a great fit for me regarding the class sizes and hands on sort of learning. :confused: And yeah most oos colleges are so much higher than my parents are willing to spend… I’m going to look for scholarships but am not sure how viable it is.


Hi, yeah my gpa should be over that and I already meet the SAT requirement (1420 last time I took it. 740/680)

I will totally look into there, does anyone know more about University of Louisville? I haven’t really heard much about it but I’m totally open to it as an option!!! : )

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