Match programs for aerospace/materials and mechanical engineering [3.4GPA, 1500 SAT, <$30k/year]

Congatulations! It’s an awesome (top1%) score… and it will go a long way in framing your earlier then later grades, making Engineering at SUNYs more matches than reaches in spite of GPA.
Don’t dismiss your safeties and apply to them as soon as the app opens of course. But SUNY Buffalo Engineering is within reach now, and once all 7 SUNY apps are completed you can try to apply elsewhere (though you’ll need a lot of merit).


thank you!! I’m really happy that they are now within reach (more so than before) :smiling_face: :smiling_face: I also did well on my finals (over a 95 in all). My counselor and I are preparing to apply to all SUNYs too. Our school has a preferential system.


Can you explain what you call “preferential system”?

I assume you’ll be applying to Suny Buff, Bing, Stony Brook, and 4 others that are less selective for engineering - discuss Alfred Ceramics and ESF just in case or look at location v. Academic strengths.

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my school has some system where they are able to inform SUNY’s of applications from the school and the SUNY’s will give the students special consideration? not sure exactly but it’s something like that

Ok, thanks!
Useful for you :slight_smile: and a sign your HS is solid.

You may want to look into Honors Programs “by application”. (Many are “by invitation only”). It’s a long shot due to your GPA but course rigor and upward trend + a good essay could help you - worth a shot (especially if other universities don’t admit you or turn out to be unaffordable, 2 unfortunate probabilities.)

Yes! I will totally look into honors programs, I’ll see if I’ll get admitted :slight_smile:
I’m working on my college essay right now. I can send in dms if you are able to give some advice !! Thank you!!

Sure :slight_smile:

Honors programs are a long shot but worth taking :crossed_fingers:

I just read through this thread for the first time. It’s incredible to see how hard we’ve made the immigration process for families who’ve already spent years legally in the country.

OP - good luck with your applications!

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thank you so much!!! <3

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