Match programs for aerospace/materials and mechanical engineering [3.4GPA, 1500 SAT, <$30k/year]

Assuming you can keep the gpa above 3.0 University of Akron might come in budget. International students are awarded their merit aid scholarships.

They do offer paid undergraduate research positions and when we visited they were doing some interesting work.

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 med school is seeming less like an option. Especially considering my parents’ financial budgets- we cannot predict the cost of med school exactly but we know it will be very high. I think I should rather seek to find a job that concerns the healthcare industry but does not require so much expensive schooling. I think @WayOutWestMom is right, I will try to explore different career paths.

I have taken an appointment with with school’s guidance counselor so I will be able to ask her about my issues with immigration and everything else mentioned.

I do want to add though that I recently took the SAT and got 1420 on it. How much will this help?


Sorry for double reply, but I also want to add that my gpa this quarter has improved significantly. I’ve gotten weighted 95 (which Is weighted 4.0) this quarter and it’s a huge upward trend.

Another update is my march SAT which I did without studying and it’s 1420, I will be studying for the may SAT and trying to do better.
english 740
math 680

  • Yes, I am currently shadowing a surgeon and I really enjoy learning about all the types of patients, and what procedures she goes through to treat them.
  • I’ve talked to her also about her daily life, and her balance between work and family life
  • Yes I currently volunteer in the OT/PT department of the nearby home for veterans, I also help with rehabilitation activities
  • As part of my volunteering I do have to spend time around chronically ill veterans and I really enjoy making a connection with them
  • no I have not
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my senior schedule is honors english, 2 AP physics (2 and C), AP history, no foreign language, and honors technology electives. These are all classes that my counselor and I are very confident in that I will be able to have a 4.0 for my senior year

unfortunately I am not eligible for working in this country, which I found out the hard way. I was offered a research assistant position in my local university but could not take up the job. I still am looking for opportunity, though!

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Have you completed Calculus (AB? BC) this year? It’s necessary to be comfortable with calculus in order to do well in Physics C.
Your schedule would need to include
Honors English → good
AP Physics 2, C → why 2? (Have you taken AP Chem?)
No math???
AP history-> good
Have you reached level 4 in a foreign language?

Typically, on-campus jobs are treated differently from “regular” jobs. Perhaps talk wit an immigration lawyer to see whether working in a lab on campus would be allowed.

The 1420 WILL make a big difference compared to your previous score. Now, try to get +30 in math :slight_smile:

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I took calc BC this year, and I haven’t taken Ap chem. I’m deciding to take AP physics 2 because it’s my favorite subject and I think it would help me a lot if I were to go into engineering, I’m also just interested in it
Math, I will have to take multivariable calculus. And yes I’ve reached level 4 in a language.

And yes for sure, after the march SAT I thought I did so bad on the math, but it wasn’t bad at all. If I thought I did badly then I should be able to do way better next time!

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Honors English
AP Physics 2 + C because you love the subject (make sure your counselor knows s/he should write it as part of your recommendation, that you love physics so much you wanted to take 2 AP classes in it the same year!)
AP history
Technical electives
(already has Level 4 FL)
=> excellent schedule for your proposed major.

All SUNYs are now possible, although of course the big ones for STEM remain reaches. You could even throw a hail mary pass and apply to URochester.
(Would you qualify for HEOP?)

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Ohh, I see. I have very good LOR’s (teachers from my clubs and robotics that I’ve worked almost every single day for a few hours with). What do you think about Bing? What about possibly transferring?

I think right now what matters to me is college that has a strong program for engineering where I can find enough opportunity and flexibility. Also, I think being able to network with companies is also super important to me!

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Bing will be tough - COE at Suny Buff, SB, or Bing will be tough admits. Your upward trend and your SAT score (if you can get that +30 in math in particular) should help a lot, bc the most recent results indicate an ability to handle the tough Engineering curriculum.
But you can’t count on it. It becomes a possibility but it goes from nil to possible, not plausible.
Apply widely - including the SUNY Broome->Bing program, Alfred’s Ceramics (BioMaterial Engineering) program, etc. And complete these applications as soon as possible, starting with the lowest ranked SUNYs so you can refine and improve the hardest ones through the process. Apply in time for Honors or Scholars programs if those are offered (you never know!), especially at the lower-ranked SUNYs.
Do you qualify for HEOP? If you don’t know what that is, ask your GC.
Do you qualify for the SUNY fee waiver?
If you do, it means you’ll be able to apply to 7 SUNYs for free. Bing, Buff, SB, Alfred = 4, you’ll have 3 more to find that are easier to get into than these and that you like.


Hi yes I think I do qualify for the fee waiver, so I will utilize that.

I talked to my mentor (who is a surgeon). She said where I go for undergrad does not matter as long as I can do really well and gain admission into a good graduate school.

Do you have any more advice?

Also, I am asking this with very little knowledge but how competitive is admission to UMD engineering?

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Are you asking about University of Maryland engineering? UMD is pretty competitive for admissions. Plus they admit a very high percentage of their incoming class in the early admission round.

How will you pay for UMD? At the out of state rate?

Yes, I am, I heard UMD has a very good engineering program so I am interested : )
(Just asking without much knowledge if I have a chance or not.)

My parents have been trying to save more money since January but I think my grandparents are now able to aid my tuition costs.

Why aren’t you considering one of the NY state IN state public universities??

The annual cost of attendance for UMD-CP for an out of state student is over $59,000 per year.

UMD is pretty competitive for admissions. And like I said, they accept the bulk of their freshman class in the early round. They provide no need based aid for international students
and merit aid is highly competitive.

And read this:


UMD Engineering would not offer you any financial aid and usually requires a 3.75+ GPA with lots of science APs.
In NYS you’re considered a state resident and if you can rank in the top 10% of your class you could get the STEM scholarship, but anywhere else you’d compete in the International Applicant pool, which is insanely competitive, especially if you don’t have 200K laying around for your college costs.
So your best bet is SUNYs (applying widely) (+ CUNYs if you live in NYC and can commute. Even these will be difficult to get into for engineering. Graduating from a SUNY/CUNY will not hinder your professional success at all, these are highly respected.


I am considering in state SUNYs and that is where I will most likely go, since it is cheap and they are also very good universities. I see now that UMD is not an option- thank you!!


Thank you!! I do not live in NYC but I think I will also apply to cunys anyways.

What do you think about Cooper Union? Is that an option?

As of right now my main priority is my GPA and increasing my SAT score. I am also unable to visit campuses, but is there anything I can start doing to stand out?

Cooper Union : worth a shot. A reach, of course, but could be among your reaches.
The main issue is housing, unless you have relatives or friends willing to house you in exchange for housework or low rent - otherwise the rent is going to be quite high.
If you’d qualify for the 7 SUNY fee waivers, you’d likely qualify for the CommonApp fee waiver (your GC will have to check a box about your income or other qualifications). It means you could add 20 free applications, including Cooper Union plus universities where your SAT score (if you can get it to 1450 or even higher) could get you merit scholarships.
Most will have Nov 1 deadlines (EA = Early Admission or “priority”) so you’ll have to be efficient.
If one if your absolute favorite, you can check whether they’ve got ED (early decision: they examine your application in priority but you promise to attend if the admit you with enough scholarship).
If SUNYs are affordable, make sure to apply by the EA deadline.
Which makes me think: talk with your parents, if you can, about college costs in the US. If you can, don’t let them tell you “we’ll figure it out”. College costs in the US require a solid plan.

So, what’s affordable if they look at their monthly income - can they set aside $300 for you each month? more? less? Can they start right now? Do they have college savings for you already?
Sit down with them and run the NPC on a few universities: SUNYs, URochester, Union
 Are the results affordable for them? (They generally aren’t, and parents have a heart attack when they see how much they’re expected to pay - kidding, but you get the idea

To demonstrate interest, look up “Z university join the mailing list”, register for the mailing list (and email you check often, several times per week if not every day, could be a “college special” email like “”), and when they start to send you stuff, open them and click on a link that looks interesting: they track that.
Will you be able to visit some private colleges (where “interest” matters most)?

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Just be aware
the net price calculators are not particularly accurate for international students.

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