Match, Safety or Reaches? - Son's list

<p>Please help us rate and round out his list. If you know of others he should consider, please suggest them.</p>

<p>He has 1430 SAT, 3.98 GPA, 31 college credits, average ECs.</p>

<p>We are Texas residents. Homeschooled, so no class rank.
Intended Major: Political Science</p>

UChicago (#2 choice)
UTexas (#1 choice)
Texas State Univ. - safety</p>

<p>Thank you
LC (JCsMom)</p>

<p>I would say he's a lock at all schools except for University of Chicago. He should be able to go to his 1st choice school, which is always good</p>

<p>Uchicago and Georgetown are slight reaches but definate possibilities. Everything else seems like he'll get in.</p>

<p>If the University of Texas is #1 on the list, I don't think there's anything to worry about. In state with a 1430 is pretty much automatic.</p>

<p>Georgetown is reach. First choice should be well as the others.</p>

<p>how do you grade him? is there a set sylabus and set %'s for A's, A-'s ect?? just wondering how homeschooling works</p>

<p>We use the same grading scale as most schools do. We used private school curriculum (ABeka, and Saxon math) with homework, tests, etc. He also started taking some of his upper level classes at the community college in the 10th grade.</p>


<p>Only top 10% is automatic in Texas. I think he will be admitted, though.</p>

<p>UT is a 100% lock.</p>