Math 1 and 2 count as two subject tests...

<p>My question is exactly what my title says. I know you must take three, but I took Math 1, Math 2, and Chem. Do the two maths count as two different subject tests. I know even if they do, it's not good to have both maths because its not diversified, but if I can't take another subject test will this cover the requirement?</p>

<p>Call the admissions office on that one, and they'll give you a definite answer. My advice, though: you should take one more that's more humanities based. Your three tests are math and science oriented, which itself is not diversified. Who knows if it's definitely true, but everyone I've ever talked to has recommended taking at least one English/history/language and at least one math/science. I personally hate math and science, but in addition to my English and US History tests, I took Biology right as I was studying for the AP while it was fresh in my mind..and now I'm a Harvard student.</p>

<p>It should count as two, but you might want to check. I don't think diversified SAT II subjects are really that necessary unless you don't know what area you want to major in. Why would Harvard care what your Math 1C SAT II score was if you were a definite history major?</p>

<p>there is no rule against it --in fact, i took both maths and the literature SAT II and didn’t run into any trouble come application time.</p>

<p>however, if your resume already highlights your aptitude for math and the sciences you might want to consider taking an SAT II in a different area of study, just for the sake of demonstrating some depth and versatility. again, it’s not a requirement, take what you’re comfortable with and what you’ll score highest in. you’ll have plenty of opportunities to show your dimensionality in your essays and supplement.</p>

<p>If you just took an AP class in a language or history or something you may want to consider taking the SAT 2 that corresponds to it. That said, I'm only a rising senior in High School, not a Harvard student.</p>

<p>ooooh I hate math 1. I did pretty well on the math 2 test so I made a last minute switch to math 1 for my next test...bad idea. The curve, she's a harsh.</p>

<p>haha yea no kidding. I scored the exact same on both maths, but my percentile was about 8 points higher on math 1 because of the curve.</p>