<p>Does anyone recommend taking Math 131A before Math 115A? Was goig to take it with Eskin and heard he is a good teacher? Thoughts?</p>
<p>If you haven’t taken a proof-based math course before you may find Math 131A a bit difficult. On the other hand, Eskin is possibly the best Math 131A professor you can currently take. He curves generously and is just amazing in general. You can look up his reviews and grade distribution on bruinwalk. At least compared to the other two options - Martin and Mess.</p>
<p>If you are fairly comfortable with Math, do all the HW, go to class, and go to office hours as needed I think you can get through it. You just have to put in a lot of effort.</p>
<p>Eskin is the man. One of my favorites in the math department. His lectures are super clear and he is methodical in everything he does. We never fell behind schedule, he could answer any question immediately, he even lectures without notes. Definitely recommend him.</p>
<p>131a is not so bad as long as you keep up with the material and put forth some effort.</p>
<p>would eskin be better than weisbart (waiting till spring)? i tried to get into weisbart’s 170A and he seemed like a good teacher</p>