Math 122a Textbook Help?

I’ll be starting at U of A this fall, and I was wondering if professors usually use the WebAccess features that come with new textbooks. I would like to buy a used book because they’re cheaper, but I know used books don’t come with WebAccess, so I didn’t think it was worth buying a used book if I would have to buy WebAccess separately. So do professors usually use that feature, or am I safe getting a used book

Hi I’m assuming you have already taken the class? but i was wonder what the math class 122a/122b is like is 122a heavily focused on graphing ,and what is the 122b class course like is the concepts easy to understand? I have already taken calculus in HS and was wondering because I was also placed in 125 so I kinda wanted a students perspective on the class to help me decide to either swap it from 125 to 122 a/b ( I was already registered at orientation). So some insight on the class would help a lot I know we all learn differently but any help is good.