<p>Hello, does anyone know a "Charles Lanski" or a "Remigijus Mikulevicius"? I'm registering for classes for next semester and am wondering whose section I should sign up for. Ratemyprofessors.com is not very helpful and the Senate Couse Guide is down so I can't get a good sense of their teaching styles.</p>
<p>Check out Grade My Professor on Myspace, I usually go to there when RMP and SCG don’t have enough information. :)</p>
<p>Take the guy with the longer name. I had him for 125 and 126. He has thick accent but he teaches well. He really cares about his students and he is always willing to help you during office hour. I once spent two hours straight in his office asking problems on past common finals. He went all the way and expained every problem I had. He is the best math professor I ever have. I highly recommend him. Make sure you don’t get behind on 126, it is not an easy class</p>