Math 20D then 20F, or Math 20F then 20D?

would it be better to take Math 20F before 20D? From what I've heard, 20F helps prepare for 20D, and it seems like 20F would fit in my schedule better (and FYI, I'm not required to take 20E as a CSE major). Also, would Evans be a good professor to take it with? Thanks!</p>

<p>Definitely take math 20f first. Many classes require 20F while relatively few require 20d. Plus, knowing matrices very well (pretty much all of linear algebra) makes it so that you don’t have to review matrices when you use them in 20d. I went in alphabetical order and looking back, i wish i had taken 20f as soon as i could. Also, 20d is not particularly useful in CSE while linear algebra will be very useful. I have not taken Evans but I’ve heard hes really good. So it sounds like you will be getting a good prof and the scheduling works well, too. Enjoy this, the vast majority of the time class choices are not so clear-cut and usually you have to make trade-offs.</p>

<p>On another note…
is it better to take math 20E after taking 20C because they are related? (vector calculus) or should I from C - > F or C -> ? or C -> break :D</p>

<p>Personally I really don’t think it makes much of a difference… just take whatever fits best in your schedule/what you’re friends are taking/whichever one has the better teacher.</p>

<p>any other opinions? bump</p>

<p>looking for an "easier " math class for winter quarter because I’m taking physics as well (>_<)
leaning towards E or F</p>

<p>Well in that case then I would take 20E, b/c as you said 20C and 20E are related, and to me 20E was a lot easier than 20F, but maybe that was just b/c of the teacher.</p>

<p>make sure you have your physics math requirement done then…id take 20f, but i have to take 20d because phys2b requires it to be completed or taken simultaneously</p>

<p>[Physics</a> Courses](<a href=“]Physics”>Physics)</p>

<p>20D isn’t required for Phys 2B.</p>

<p>F < D < E</p>

<p>in terms of difficulty in my–along with countless ME/BioE friends’–opinion</p>

<p>ah shyte son i musta been looking at phys 2c…sorry my bad</p>

<p>Right now I’m leaning towards F from asking around as well as looking on the math site (strongly urged for students to take F after C , at least for math majors…) the problem is the 20F class I want, Evans, already has waitlists of 4-8 while the 20E classes only have 0-3 waitlists.</p>

<p>Is it likely to get into a class of 32 person discussion with a waitlist of ~5? Because its not a “big” class, would the seating expand?</p>

<p>Depends where it’s held</p>

<p>I think it’ll be fine, but I can’t be 100% sure about it.</p>

<p>I remember my class was 150/lecture with every section 0-5 waitlist, and then by 4th week, all had seats OPEN</p>

<p>how likely is it to get johnson for 6b with waitlists of 7-8 ?</p>

<p>pretty likely, lol…id say youd get it no matter what…people drop that class like crazy in the beginning, and its still really early</p>