math 295

<p>How is it (the workload, material covered, difficulty, rigour)? Any anecdotes about it from people who've heard things or had experience with the class is appreciated.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a> should have some information + unwanted more.</p>

<p>The people in it will be cool.</p>

<p>It will be bad, but not as bad as it could be. The guy who is doing it this year taught it back in '98, and has all of the homeworks and the final available online. I went and compared it the homework assignments my class got 2 years, and we covered about 2-3 times as much stuff and had much longer homework assignments.</p>

<p>(I think quantum leap is applying this year...not taking the class this I right?)</p>

<p>True. Also, thanks for the link. It was helpful, although some parts much more so than others.;)</p>