math 32a - ward

<p>so uh...
i got raped by that final today...who's with me?</p>

<p>yea... he said something like "i think im gonna have to make the final harder than i had anticipated" cause like everyones grades were too close together, so he wanted to spread it out more...
i think its pretty dumb... i was doing really well in the class and then there was this final thrown at us that was much harder than the rest of the class...
also i was sick with a fever while taking it ><... have no idea how i did...</p>

<p>yeah i totally remember that! i'm just worried about my grade now...
are you an engineer?</p>

<p>whoa i saw your old post. and you live in acacia? crazyyyy. so do i</p>

<p>i know ahh!!! i dont know when the grade is gonna be up either... he randomly put up our last hw grade but not the final exam score... its prob not graded yet ><
yea im an electrical engineer. you?
yea i live in acacia 5 =]
tho ure more likely to find me on evergreen 3 ;]</p>

<p>cool stuff. i'm on acacia 3. haha, are you a boy or a girl?</p>

<p>oh and im a mechanical engineer</p>

<p>i'm a boy and i'm guessing ure a girl ;]
mmm i think i kinda met one mechanical engineer girl in math, and shes also in my chem class (20a with gelbart). that would be really funny if that were u =P.
wait is it... are you friends with tiffany, who is also in that math class / chem class =o?</p>

<p>yeah!!! im in 20a with gelbart + i'm friends with tiffany. crazy!</p>

<p>The final wasn't bad at all! If you think you got raped...then grab your ankles 'cause worst still lies ahead!!! :rolleyes:</p>

<p>That final was just... meh.
I don't think I got an A though.</p>

<p>Hey professors do have to make things harder, cause the dept gets mad at them if everyone gets an A or B</p>

<p>HAHA wow thats hilarious... yeah tiffany was in my orientation group and stuff... i kinda talked to you a few times between math/chem... but didnt really introduce myself ;]
LOL btw the final exam scores are up... its out of 170 cause he didnt grade problem #9
median 114, mean 109
lol yea i didnt do too well... dont know if i shud say my grade so openly but 133... tho it says rank 21/118 so hopefully i'm still in for an A =.</p>

<p>hehe i missed 20 points right off the bat for not even answering that (a+b)xc dot dxe proof one and then i'm pretty sure i completely missed the other proof with u v and w, but overall i'm pretty happy with my grade on that :)</p>

<p>Hi xasiangirlie ! :D</p>

<p>Just to let you know, good math exams and homeworks may contain lots of proofs. A lot of the problem sets you do have not much practical usage or immediate applications, as you probably figured out. The point of them are to exercise your brain and allow you to 'think like an engineer'.</p>

<p>The theories you learn are probably 20% useful after you graduate. The analysis engineers do is much more complex, and definitely not 1D or 2D, which is the theory lower-division courses focus on. That's why there is programming and high technology devises to do the crunching or noisy data.</p>

<p>You aren't going along that path (or seems like you aren't) so the classes are only meant for you to learn to analyze. To keep you motivated and encouraged, the only concepts I have used from 32A so far in my engineering courses are the major ones - dot product, cross product, gradient, vectors, Stokes.</p>

<p>Reverting to the discussion about proofs ... just keep in mind that college isn't all about numerical and computational analysis, but more about theories and applications. That's one thing freshmen find shocking. It is then that they realize that not everyone can be a math major. </p>


<p>haha hey BoelterHall
yeah, i've learned that now. ugh. it's just a little discouraging, but i'm going to stick with it. i'm still a little shell-shocked, but i think the three weeks at home will do me some good...
p.s. BoelterHall is my next-door neighbor :)</p>

<p>you'll do good ^^ i just realized we don't have any proffs together next quarter!</p>

<p>aww, you're right! :(
i guess we'll have to wait until third quarter for 33a, haha</p>