<p>which professor should I sign up for? I've already checked ratemyprof and it didn't help.</p>
<p>Uhm, people I know took Voiculescu and said they didn’t have a good experience with him. Apparently he lectures OK, but gives you super messy problems.</p>
<p>They took Math H54, and said it wasn’t run sufficiently theoretically for instance. </p>
<p>I don’t claim to know Teleman, however.</p>
<p>what about Daenzer for honors 54?
I’d prefer not to jeopardize my gpa in danger in daenzer’s class, lol.</p>
<p>As a rule, if you’re much better at theoretical math than many of your peers, honors classes are supposed to hand out better grades on average, though that’s because the students in them are considerably better – someone who isn’t upto their level will probably do worse than in a regular class.</p>
<p>Also, there are plenty of professors who don’t observe this unwritten rule that they should be more merciful in handing out grades to an honors course. Some of them will go to town and even grade the honors course harder than a regular course <em>while</em> handing out crazily hard assignments and exams. </p>
<p>So do your research - I haven’t heard anything negative or positive about that professor.</p>