Math Class Question

Hi, I am an incoming student this fall. I received a 5 on my BC Calc Exam and a 5 on the AB subscore during junior year. I am taking Multi-Variable Calculus currently. I was wondering if I should skip Calc I and II and go straight to Multi. I am majoring in Computer Science. I’m also thinking of a math minor, but I’m not 100% sure on that yet. Thanks.

It seems like you have demonstrated mastery in the subject. I would go to multi because why should you retake the same classes that you have credit for. If you have questions, I would contact an academic advisor.

If you don’t have to take Calc I/II at GW, I wouldn’t GW’s math department isn’t its strongest, so I think the fewer classes you have to take within it, the better off you’ll be. For reference, I’m not the only one with the above opinion. I’ve also taken 5 math classes (Calc I/II, Multi-variable, Linear algebra, and Differential Equations).