<p>I need to take either of these classes to fulfill my GE req. for math:</p>
<p>PSYC60: Introduction to Statistics</p>
<p>SOCI60: Practice of Social Research</p>
<p>PHIL10: Introduction to Logic</p>
<p>Any feedback/ reviews on those classes would be greatly appreciated !!</p>
<p>I took psyc60 spring2011 with Parris and got an A. Parris was really nice and cute and he really tried to help you understand the material. Statistics as a subject was a struggle for me (as in to this day I’m not quite sure I can wrap my head around the concept). To be fair, my studying consisted of doing 6 hour cram days for 2 days before each midterm, and I studied 0 hours for the final. I also never bought and read the textbook. I think that alone speaks volumes about his curve and teaching ability, considering I got an A xD </p>
<p>I don’t know about the rest, but a girl in my building took phil10 and ended up dropping it with a W because she said she was failing every test. Her conclusion was she would rather sit through regular math (the math10 series) than this “logic crap.”</p>
<p>Wow that’s really encouraging
How is Rickard for stats? I can only fit into his class with my schedule :/</p>
<p>Sounds like taking Parris for PSYC60 is an easy A then if you can keep up with the lectures and able to cram for the tests? :P</p>
<p>I don’t know about Rickard, sorry
you could try CAPE or ratemyprofessors?</p>
<p>Parris also had weekly hw, so I guess you could count that as studying (reviewing slides and notes) for about an hour a week
what I really liked about Parris was he spent the first and last 5-10 minutes of each class going over what we learned last time and how all the topics we’ve covered so far relate to each other. In this sense he kind of did the connecting and understanding for you. He also gave you 16 pages of crib sheets for the final, which is overkill -__-</p>
<p>I really wouldn’t recommend anyone to follow my path through psyc60 LOL like I mentioned I retained very little from that class (which was all my fault) and even if you’re taking it as a GE, I think it’s a bad habit to follow. I’m not proud of it, anyway :\ my final percentage was ~92% which translated to an A somehow.</p>
<p>I really didn’t want to take PSYC 60, but I ended up doing it for my psychology minor. I thought the class was going to be boring but it honestly was one of the more interesting classes I have taken. Parris kicks so much ass and his lectures are LEGENDARY. His lecture slides and his lecturing blend so seamlessly it’s like you can see EXACTLY what he’s talking about at all times.</p>
<p>I don’t know Rickard either, but PSYC 60 really opened my mind of to something new, being statistics. But while I found it mind blowing, I know a lot of others find it boring. I think it’s one of the more valuable classes I have taken though.</p>
<p>I guess so, but it’s an easier A if you study periodically. :)</p>
<p>rickard was an easy A, just go to his classes. he allows notes for his tests and will basically tell you whats on them. plus he can be a pretty funny guy. depending on what you want to do after college, having stats over math 10b ( i saw your other thread) can be advantageous for some grad programs (plus you already showed calc ability through ap classes). I was one of those who thought stats was going to blow, but it ended up being really interesting and is really useful for understanding academic papers</p>
<p>Rickard’s the best, most straight forward, doesn’t your waste time. Def recommend him.</p>