<p>So I'm a freshman at my highschool and I have a new grading system from last year. It is called the standard refrence grading system and basically there are 4 possible grades: 4-100%
3-83% 2-67 1-34%. This grading system really ticks me off; I used to get all A's(usually more than 100 percent) on my Geometry and Algebra 1 tests in middle school. But now with this Math 1,2,3,4 curriculum i just cant get a 4 on my math tests. I have tried my hardest, I sacrifice my lunch period to go over the test, and I understand what I have been learning but I just cant get 4's on my tests! My English and Spanish grades are A's while my Math grade is a 3(83 percent). This has never happened before and I am really worried. Do you guys have any advice?</p>
<p>That’s the dumbest thing that I’ve ever heard. I’ve never seen such a ridiculous grading system…I think that you should talk to your teacher about getting perfect scores, and go over your past tests to see why it is that you’re making mistakes.</p>
<p>Who decided to change to that system? That is honestly the worst grading system I have ever heard of. What happens if you make 1 mistake on a 100 point test that’s worth like 5 points? Normally you would have a 95/100, but what happens under your system-- does it automatically go to a “3” (83%)?</p>
<p>Yes; and my district decided to change it.</p>
<p>Shouldn’t the PTA have a say in this? I believe if you bring together enough parents and students on board on eliminating this grading system you wouldn’t have to put up with a “3” i feel like they are defining you (the students) even more by a number.</p>
<p>Thanks ^ I will consider talking to my parents about this.</p>